Chapter 31: Paragon

"I see" Nier muttered as his voice calmed down but his hands were still shaking.

"You, Jan- oh right...I call Skar Jan. So- You, Jan and two more people who I'll inform you about are going to enter the Khanshi City...Khanshi does not have any teleportation stand or any city with one near four hundred some kilo meters.

You are going to be acting as a detective who has come from a trip overseas to explain your shaky accent. Or to be more precise- an assistant since being as young as you are is a thorn to your credibility. Jan will be the detective and off course you will need to get new clothes which we will provide. Dye your hair because they are too catchy...and yeah- I'll inform you more details as time flies by"

Nier nodded slowly in thought and asked

"How many know about this mission?"

"Hmm...Let me ask you this- Do you find it convenient that a we had mission just at the right time when you were in a dilemma of reaching Seasonshore?"

Nier turned to look at Magnus. His attention snatched as he nodded slowly.

"That's because I made it convenient...You see, this mission was supposed to be carried out 2-3 months after the 'Festival of Light' and it's effects faded completely. That's an information quite a lot of people I could trust, knew. But what you informed me of made me think and I decided that this mission will be set before planned when nobody else other than me, you, Skar and the other two people know of it. And I added that Seasonshore trip reward as you know...a reward"

"That's understandable but it's not exactly necessary that they will be caught off guard. After all- a knight that learned some of their secrets was killed in unkown circumstances. It would be stupid not to assume the worst that you are already informed by someone and have sent a team to investigate. You think that the Festival of Lights would make their guard weaken but they might realize that we are using reverse psychology."

"*Sigh Don't mention the last part. That's a loop that can keep going. As for the first part. You are right. I have thought of that- I believe that he can try divination. Though finding seers isn't really something as easy as even thinking about it is. There is unfortunately a possibility of Pen Gui Noir being in contact with one from Janmini"

Nier who had calmed down shook again as his face distorted with malice.

"Haah haah haaaa..." He took deep breathes as he focused on forming sentences in his mind to not fumble.

Magnus quite surprised by silence looked towards Nier who he saw was dressed in sweat.

"What if...just what if...We all get killed. No...say- even one remains and he informs you about how we died and...all that stuff but he is actually being controlled. My point is- What's the insurance? How can you be sure that everything is going as planned. Also- if we get caught and it's proved that we are spies, then wouldn't it turn everything up side down."

"Your concerns are valid but you will be going with Jan. Although I consider the possibility of him being controlled when forming plans. The reality is that there is not much of chance of being able to control him. Just like how all fire sorcerers have some bit of resistance against fire no matter where its from, Jan's Astral Element makes him resistant against mind attacks than an average sorcerer at his level which in itself is nothing to scoff at. He is a capable person who I trust with my life. But don't worry- I'll add some secret measures. As for the physical danger. That was something you signed up for if you want to reach your goal. As for the last part- that will only happen if Jan is some how recognized which won't happen"

"I see" Nier said

"Yeah that's it. I'll be leaving now- you can read anything that you can read here. We'll be meeting tomorrow"

Magnus stood from his chair and walked out of the library taking the coffee mug and rappers with him. He stopped midway and turned to say-

"You won't be meeting the Mistey family. We'll let the Silversky Squad handle the problem like in any other case. Don't worry- you will be compensated for all the- you know"


Nier looked around the library in thought. Although he liked reading books and gaining knowledge, he was too exhausted to do so. He looked up towards the clock that hung high and realized it was past eight already. He walked out of the library and then exited the lobby. He stood in the corridor looking silently at the aquarium. Nier didn't know when but Sebastian arrived with a tray of food. Nier had already informed of what he ate and the food was made accordingly.

There were large buttered sandwiches with a cup of chocolate milk.

It didn't look a proper dinner but Nier wanted it so there wasn't anything Sebastian could do

"Take a bite" Nier suddenly said looking at the butler

"Eh...Are you suspicious of poisoning?" Sebastian asked purplexed

"Do it"

"Umm...It would be ru..*Sigh If that makes you relieved then allow me"

Sebastian cut a small piece out of each sandwich and took a bite. Having confirmed its safety.

Nier finally reached his room to eat the food. The bread used was large so his stomach was more than filled. Nier felt that he used his injury as an excuse to eat more in the name 'getting enough energy to recover'.

As soon as he finished eating. Wiping off the leftovers on his lips with his tongue. Nier put aside the plates on the table besides the bed and went outside the room. The food was good and left Nier satisfied.

Nier looked around the lobby and entered the meditation room.

Nier spent the night absorbing mana and tacking naps occasionally. One of the effect of his ability was the prevention of dark circles. Maybe it was destiny that he had such a technique.


Next day, Nier who was lying in his bed stood up as he walked out. After observing the aquarium for some time. He entered the library and looked around the shelves.

''Read the books you can'...does that mean there are books I can't read here? There must be formations and all preventing important information to be leaked' Nier pondered silently as he picked a book randomly.

'The Mightiest: History of Paragons...huh, Paragons? Those who are supposed to be the strongest in their era. This was published in...1566? Huh. That was 10-11 years ago. When I was 6 or something. Let's see- I don't really remember the first 6-7 years of my life.' Nier squinted as he flipped some pages reaching the contents page. He immediately ignored the content he considered pointless like 'afterthoughts', 'acknowledgement' etcatera.


1. Introduction

2. Golden Age: Sun Empress

3. Mourning Century: Deathcloud

4. Spirit Era: Blessed Elven King

5. Bloodwar Century: The Demon Lord

6. Peace era: Queen of Light and Curse

7. New Realm: Dragon Emperor

8. Silver Age: Present days

Finding it interesting- Nier flipped to the introduction page.