Chapter 6

  The perfect plan

  As soon as the doctor finished talking to Ethan, Camilla slithers back to her hospital bed and takes up her acting again. The plan had come to her the moment she opened her eyes and realized Ethan had taken her to the hospital. This is perfect!

  She no longer has to think of a plan to go steal from Ethan's estate, the plan has offered itself to her!

  She and Lisa have talked about going back to Ethan Jadiel's estate to pickpocket the most valuable things they can find and here the opportunity is handing itself to her on a silver platter. All she has to do is continue pretending to have a memory loss and he will not hesitate to take her home. Once she gets there she will roll her plan into motion.

  The man has so much money, she is sure he won't even miss a thing by the time she is done with the operation. The first thing she will need to do is make an inventory of the things to take and Lisa can run the bargains on her behalf. The doctor says she will need to be taken care of for two weeks, well that is more than enough time for her to get as much money as she can lay her hands on while in the Peterson's Estate.

  If only her dad can wake up and come out of his coma then she can make this her last operation. She can start a good life after all of these.

  Camilla takes a deep breath, an attempt to try and calm herself. Thinking about her sick father and the things she has to do to get money for his treatment, always makes her emotional. Come to think of it, she will have to find a way to reach out to Lisa to inform her of her plans and for her to check on her dad even if it's just for a day or two till she figured out a way to sneak out of Ethan's house. She wondered if he had shaken a finger today? Or even if his breathing has changed? Anything at all that can prove that he is well and will come back to her.

  All the thoughts make her heart squeeze in pain and she has to hold back the pain so she won't cry out. Why is her life so fucked up?

  Ethan comes in at this moment and thinks she is still worried about her health, from the expression on her face. He sits on the bed with her and holds her hands. "How are you feeling?"

  Taking advantage of the emotions she is already feeling, Camilla milks it and tears come to her eyes. There is no longer a need to keep it in. This is the right moment to cry, she thinks to herself.

  "I- I am scared. How do- How do I go home? I don't even know where home is anymore. I am so scared..." She cries out in a soft voice.

  The whole act goes so smoothly, Ethan falls for her games. His heart breaks for her. He yearns to console her to show her that everything is fine as long as she is by his side. He squeezes her hands lightly in between his own and looks straight into her eyes.

  "Don't you worry, in no time you will be alright? The doctor has assured me of that..." He says, his voice dripping with concern.

  Camilla sniffs and stares up at him from under her long lashes. "Thank you... But what about home?" She wants him to say the words he had told the doctor a while back. She wants him to confirm to her that he is taking her home.

  "How do I get home? I can't remember..." She says with wobbly lips as she sniffs again.

  Ethan feels a warmness deep within him. As he finds her actions cute. Fuck, Camilla is beautiful. He knows he is probably saying it for the tenth time since he met her but it can't make it less true than it is. She is beautiful and very adorable. Does she think she will be homeless when he is with her? How cute...

  "You can stay with me till you feel better. I have a really large house..." He tells her and her face lights up in a smile. Ethan can't help but smile as well. This is what he has been missing, the love of his life.

  "I don't want to bother you, I can- I can manage somehow..." She says wiping a stray tear. She doesn't want Ethan to think she is desperate even if in the true sense she is. For her plan to work out properly, she needs to make him think he was the one who begged her to go home with him.

  "No, no! You don't have to do that. You are not bothering me. See, we are sort of like friends you see, it will make me happy to help you." He tells her.

  "Are you- are we friends?" Camilla stammers.

  When did they become friends? She wonders in her heart. This Ethan guy is really weird. Why does he even care so much about some stranger he met a few days ago in his estate? Well, at least he doesn't know that Camilla is a thief. If he knows that, he will not be so eager to make her his friend or take her to his house.

  Ethan swallows saliva and scratches the back of his hair before answering. "Yes- of course. We are friends." He tells her.

  Camilla nods slightly, agreeing outwardly but inside she starts to think of his motive. Why is he lying to her? They are not friends. They barely know each other. Does he also have a plan of his own? Camilla thinks in her head. She will have to be very careful. The guy may be good-looking but she can't forget he is one of the most powerful people in the city of Besaadi. Everyone and anyone respected him. His wealth is questionable but no one in the government can dare to speak of it. She will have to make a mental note to stay clear of his business to avoid getting pushed into more mess than she is already in.

  "Are you ready to go now?" He asks.

  Again, Camilla nods gently and watches him from under her lashes. Ethan assuming she is being quiet because of her condition takes it upon himself to pack the few things there are to pack on the bedside table and puts everything away in a paper bag.

  He picks out a new change of clothes he has gotten for her and places it on the bed. "You should change into this, " he says pointing to the blue dress laying on the bed.

  Camilla gasps as her eyes land on the dress. It is brand new and she can attest to the price attached to this dress in the market! This will make a huge fortune if she takes it to one of those low-budget shops downtown. The color shines in angles where light from the window reflects on it. It is even more beautiful than the imitation she had stolen just last week.

  "You don't like it?" Ethan asks, seeing that she isn't moving from her shocking position. His werewolf senses feel the change of her heartbeat and he thinks the worst.

  Camilla shakes herself back to reality and gives Ethan a toothy smile. "I love it!" She exclaims, grabbing a hold of the outfit.

  Relief washes over Ethan as he had feared she won't like the dress he had ordered for her. "I must confess I got a bit worried there when you didn't say anything."

  "Oh, I was just shocked. It's so beautiful... Thank you so much!" She squeals as she hugs the outfit to herself.

  Ethan grins as he watches the excitement in her face. He can't wait to see what the dress will look like on her body. "I should leave you to dress up. I'll be outside when you are ready." He steps out of the ward to give Camilla some privacy so she can change from her hospital gown to the dress he bought for her.

  Camilla turns the dress in her hands and her heart flips over in excitement. She isn't even in his house yet and she is already getting goodies. Not just any kind but expensive merchandise that can fetch her a lot of money.

  She quickly takes off her hospital gown. She takes the hospital gown and wipes it at her armpit to remove any sweat. She doesn't want anything to stain the new dress when she puts it on and the first thing she will be doing when they reach the Peterson's Estate will be to take off the dress and place it on a cloth hanger so it can remain as good as new. When she satisfactorily finishes wiping sweat and any potential stain agent from her body, she carefully steps into the new dress. She doesn't cut out the tag and she squeezes herself to prevent the dress from expanding. Done, she runs a hand into her hair and steps out of the ward.

  Ethan's mouth drops to the hospital ground when he lays eyes on her. His wolf wines in his head but he suppresses it. He will not want to scare Camilla away by allowing his wolf to take control of his body. The dress is made for her. It hugs her curves perfectly, creating a silhouette so beautiful Ethan can stare at it all his life. Without a pint of makeup on her face, Camilla is effortlessly beautiful.

  "Is it good?" She asks as her cheeks light up with a blush. She gives him a little twirl making her feel like a little girl again.

  "It is perfect. You look stunning!" His wolf hits the front wheels and Ethan pushes it back again.

  "We don't want to scare her, do we?" He says through his teeth. His wolf is being impatient to be with their mate. He wants it's too but they have to be careful. She is human, being too brutal might scare her off and both he and his wolf wouldn't want that.

  Camilla stares at him with a frown. Who is he talking to?

  "Did you say something?" She asks, for the first time she notices the vein popping out on his forehead. He looks like he is struggling with something yet she sees nothing.

  "No, it's fine. Come let's go home." He leads her to the exit and they emerge in front of the Park where his Beta had left one of his cars for them to drive home, the Lamborghini Sian.

  Camilla takes in the vehicle and she melts in anticipation. Ethan's house is going to be a treasure cove!


  The vehicle parks in front of the main house and Camilla is in shock. The place is so beautiful, it looks like a paradise on earth. It is not fair that only Ethan gets the right to stay here alone. Why did the rich have to get richer and the poor, even poorer? The place is indeed a treasurer cove just like she imagined.

  When she came a few days ago to pickpocket from his guests, she didn't get a proper view of the place. The place is a haven. It looks more like an isolated island in paradise than an Estate of some rich folk here on earth.

  Ethan opens the door and steps out of the car. He comes around to the passenger's side and opens Camilla's side of the door too. "Come, let's go inside." He says, offering her his hands.

  Camilla has to mentally peel herself away from gawking at the house and tentatively places her small hands onto Ethan's open palm.

  He squeezes them tightly smiling down at it. They look so perfect together. Once again his wolf fights for control, but Ethan calms it down. They will both get their turns to be with her. He just has to make sure she is comfortable and properly healed first.