Ethan leads Camilla to the house, showing her the various sections there is to it. The living room, the kitchen, and the bedrooms. They the reach last two rooms down the corridor and he stops. Camilla who is lost in the luxury present in the house doesn't realize that Ethan has stopped and so, she bumps into him.
"Sorry!" They both chorus awkwardly.
As their eyes meet, they both start laughing and Ethan gets lost in the sound of her laughter. They sound like music to his ears and he knows right there that he will do anything to keep listening to that laughter.
His wolf finally takes control and surfaces. His eye color changes from their usual brown to a golden color. "Beautiful, " he whispers with a hoarse voice.
Camilla notices the change in his eyes but blames it on the lightning in the house. How else can she explain him changing contact lenses so fast?
He raises his hand and picks a stray strand of her hair in his finger, moving closer he sniffs it and Camilla is surprised. She wants to take a step back but she seems to be transfixed in that position. Her heart seems to love whatever he is doing to her and her heart starts to race as she looks on at what Ethan will do next.
Ethan closes his eyes, enjoying the new rhythm her heart takes. He places the hair gently behind her ears, allowing his finger to brush lightly on the skin along with her ears and cheek. "You are so beautiful," he whispers again with eyes closed.
When he finally opens his eyes they are back to their brown color and he looks embarrassed. He coughs awkwardly and sharply turns to the door. "Here, is your bedroom. Everything you need is in here. I will assign a helper for you in the morning-" he starts to say but Camilla interrupts him.
"No!" She screams.
A small frown appears on his face as he tries to make sense of what she is saying. "Why? Is there a problem?"
"No! I mean yes, well- no..." She stutters stumbling over her words. She takes a deep breath and opens her mouth again. "I don't need a maid. I think I can manage on my own."
"It's no big deal. I pay them for cleaning the room anyway so she'll just be performing her duties."
"No!" She yelled again, louder than necessary. She composed herself and tried explaining. "I am already making you do so much for me. Please, I will feel terrible if I can't take care of the room myself. Please, it will make me sleep better at night." She tells him, more calmly this time.
"Okay, if that's what you want, but the maid will have to clean in there at least for today. Just go make sure everything is in order." Ethan replies.
"Sure, that's not a problem."
Aside from the story of sleeping better at night, Camilla has her reasons for refusing to have a maid in her room. This is because of her plan. That room is going to be her war room. She will be planning everything she wangs to execute in there, she can't risk having someone come In to jeopardize her plans. She won't be able to bear it if ever it happens. To be on the safe side, she silk rather takes care of her room alone to avoid any mistakes and or discrepancies in her foul price plans.
"Oh, and the room across from yours is mine," Ethan says pointing to the room and just like in a movie, the door he points at opens and Jessie comes out of the room.
She smiles when she sees Ethan and runs to hug him but he stops her by an arm's length.
"Baby, what's the matter?" She coos, moving closer to him, completely ignoring the woman in front of her.
"Can't you see I have a guest?" Ethan snaps. He is just starting to get Camilla to trust him and hopefully fall in love with him and here she is trying to throw her irritating hands in him! He should have stopped the relationship a long-time ago and that is what he has to do to avoid complications with his mate!
"I am sorry baby, I didn't notice. I missed you so much." She screeched.
Ethan's face palms himself wondering how he got himself attached to such a clingy person!
"I should get inside and rest, I feel tired," Camilla says trying to get out of the awkward situation. Plus, she needs to get away from Ethan's trying eyes so she can start making her inventory of the things to steal. Not forgetting she has the really expensive dress to take off and preserve for a sweet bargain the next day.
Jessie glares at her as if just seeing her for the first time. "I am Jessie and you are?" She asks with a scowl.
"She says she is tired and needs her rest, you will make your introductions in the morning!" Ethan barks.
As he yells at Jessie, Camilla understands what is going on. Jessie seems to be his girlfriend or maybe she just clings to him but it is obvious he wants nothing to do with her. Either way, Camilla finds the drama exciting and decides to test the waters just for fun.
"Ethan let it go, I can still hold a conversation before I go to sleep." Camilla waves a hand over Ethan's face and flashes him one of her seductive smiles.
Jessie glares at her and Camilla tries to keep a straight face. This will be fun. "Hi, I am Camilla, a friend of Ethan's."
"A friend?" She shrieks. "I don't remember Ethan having any friend named Camilla."
"Oh, he probably doesn't like talking about it... but we are close," Camilla says flapping her eyelids.
"Camilla, I think you should go get some rest." Ethan quickly puts in before Jessie can reply.
Jessie is red with anger as she watches Ethan speak to Camilla. "What happened to her head?"
"It was an accident..." Camilla retorts in. "Ethan, can you please come to show me the right way to take my drugs?"
Jessie's face almost explodes as she starts breathing fast, waiting to see Ethan's reaction. Camilla is about to burst into laughter but she tries to hold it in until she gets inside her room.
"Of course. Let's go..." Ethan says leading the way to her room. It is like he was waiting for an opportunity to walk away from Jessie and Camilla gave it to him.
"Where are you going?" Jessie screeches, her eyes flashing with panic.
"Where does it look like I am going?" Ethan turns with eyes so cold, they could tear through a thick wall.
Jessie looks so pitiful she is about to cry, Camilla being unable to hold her laugh any longer, takes long strides into her room and starts laughing.
The door opens and Ethan steps in, Jessie's frustrated grunts echo into the room and Camilla's laugh gets stronger as she replays the little drama she has just played once again in her mind.
Ethan is amused by her laughter and stands watching her. "What's so funny?"
"You have to thank me first!" She squeals between laughs. "I saved you from that girl back there!"
Ethan's raised brow relaxes as he understands finally what Camilla has done. She was only riling up Jessie for fun, seeing how irritated he is by her.
"Jessie can be a hand full sometimes..." He says with a smile.
"And you are tired of her..." Camilla snickers, going to seat on the bed. The room is a standard-sized room with a large bed, a dressing table, a wardrobe, and a chair. The windows are also large, allowing for enough ventilation.
"You can say that..." Ethan says passing a hand over his neck again. "Let's see, what shall we give you tonight?" He mumbles to himself as he moves to the dressing table where someone had already placed all her medications.
Ethan picks out a couple of pills and keeps the rest in the top drawer. "You will take these once you get something to eat and as for clothes, I had some outfits arranged for you."
"Thank you." Camilla smiles as she watches him work. He is such a sweet person. If only she didn't have to steal from him?
Suddenly she feels a lump in her throat and she wishes to be left alone. "I'll take care of the rest from here... Thanks a lot, Ethan."
"You are welcome," Ethan says smiling softly. "Good night."
"Good night," Camilla replies.
Ethan waves at her before shutting the door close behind him. Camilla breathes in relief as she quickly picks up the drugs he had placed aside for her and goes into the bathroom. She throws all the pills into the toilet and flushes them away. She didn't have any memory loss, taking these drugs may be detrimental to her health. She doesn't need it.
This is one of the reasons why she didn't want any maid or prying eyes. It is so she can do exactly as she wants as soon as she got in here. She carefully takes off her dress and neatly hangs it to dry. This will be the first thing she will be sold by tomorrow.
The door to the bathroom suddenly flies open and Camilla freezes. "Why is there a pill on the floor?"