Pills and Potions
Camilla's heart is beating so fast as she tries to force her brain to come up with a defense strategy. What should she say? How did the damn pill even fall off from her hands?
"Why are you in here?" Camilla demands from her instead, having come up with nothing. Jessie doesn't have any right to come into her room and question her on what to do and what not to do. So she will use that one fact to her advantage.
"You are not answering me!" Jessie screeches. "You are supposed to be on medication but there is your medication lying on the floor. What's going on?"
Camilla narrows her eyes at Jessie and decides to think through her next words properly before saying them out loud. Ethan may be irritated by Jessie but she still lives with him and he kind of has to listen to her on some matters. Camilla has to be careful. She can't ruin her plans based on a stupid blunder.