"Where are you?" Jessie whispers as she searches even under the bed. Camilla has to be somewhere in the house, or did she sneak out?
No, that wasn't an option. With a bandage-like that on her head, she can't just up and leave the estate. Except her injury is already dried up and she is only pretending -another fraud!
Convinced Camilla isn't in her bedroom, Jessie runs out of the confined space and goes in search of Camilla. She tries to make her feet as quietly, trying to imitate Peter. She headed to the sitting area first, that's where most of the expensive paintings in the house were.
On getting there, Jessie discovers that Camilla isn't in the sitting area either. It is as empty as her room.
"Could she have gone out?" She wonders out loud. "No, it is very late for her to go anywhere. Where is she then?"