Chapter 14


  Camilla tries to remain invisible throughout the meal, she wants nothing more but to sneak into her room and sort out the stuff she was able to sneak from Ethan's house. That crazy bitch, Jessie had almost caught her earlier when she was picking out some of the things but thankfully, she kept them before the fool could cause a commotion; Camilla thinks.

  She still needed to be extra careful around Jessie. She is a threat, Camilla will have to pay more attention to.

  "What? is there something on my face?" Jessie snaps, glaring at Camilla. Camilla didn't even realize she had been staring at Jessie for too long. She diverts her eyes and continues playing with her food.

  "Jessie! I am still here and you can't even pretend to be civil!" Ethan growls. Jessie is impossible to correct. She refuses to listen to him and is intent on causing trouble for Camilla.