Exposure of the rule breachers

No one in the land ever had the guts to crush the dominancy of the Hepton for decades, besides Zerio Felkock, the magnificent pathfinder of Petulando.

The rules of the Heptons were followed blindly and were always respected as superiors being the land of Originals.

The behaviour of Mr. Rowan staggered the cheiftains, who feared the aftermath of the incident, since the voices of the hepton was dominant at TriOgle.

" Mr. Rowan, our land might face an enormous threat, cause of your cruel demeanor. Please do not try to stump out our dreams by your savageness", the Mayor pleaded in a persistant manner.

" Mayor! Please, be careful with your words. Be diligent when talking to the superior", Mr. Hemmington whispered to his ears, expecting him not to be on his right mind.

" Uh! Well... I never meant to be offensive. Forgive me Honourable Headman, if I have offended your dignity", he beseeched and waited for his reply to bring forth his perspective towards the problem.

Mr. Rowan huffed and gave his word of acceptance," Carry on!".

The Mayor took few steps ahead and continued," Honourable Headman, its of no use confronting to the leaders, instead of exposing the cause of the infringement. We are here now, but who knows, few might be in action to purloin the ARCHIBET or SICHVON. For now, its wise to make people be aware of how treacherous the outside world is."

The words of the mayor sounded quite good to the others. Their heads nodded in approval to his words, who too believed aggression can't be a way to find solutions.

Mr. Rowan, raised up from his seat and walked towards the Generals, in a stern posture, hands at the back with a fierce stare.

" I appreciate your concern towards our land! Hail to your bravery and forward thinking. Besides being a man who could give objection to the dominance, you failed to point out the reason behind these youngsters behaviour", he said in a smoky voice, trailing behind the generals.

With no words to respond, the Generals stood there stooped. When Mr. Rowan walked besides the Mayor for his reply, all he could get back was a heavy sound of breathing followed by silence.

" Objecting to a problem, in concern for a quick solution with peace and tranquility is something to be reverenced. But that objection, is considered altruistic, only when the problem gets completely plucked out from its roots, not just picking out the withered ones".

He said and smiled at the Mayor, who glanced at him with confused eyes.

Tapping his shoulders thrice, Mr. Rowan gave him a reply, just by his silenced look.

" Scizian, bring them all here!", ordered Mr. Rowan and walked towards the President of Neyley to guide him there.

A group of six youngsters were brought to the hallway, who were merely teenagers.

" Mr. Vade, your esteemed cooperation is needed to stop these behaviourals. I hope you understand what I'm trying to deliver", he said humbly.

With a moment of ponder, Mr. Vade brought his hand to his chest and whispered," TRANSPIRE".

His words brought to the hall a heavy wind, which was brought by the big feathers of a black parrot.

The pinion of the cursed parrot looked glossy due to the mist air, since it expidated from Neyley as fast as a storm.

The cursed parrot looked exactly like Savis, but its feathers looked a bit fluffier and longer, making it the fastest than the rest of them.

While the Generals looked amazed by the sight of Krave- the symbol of tempest and pride of Neyley; the one with the red eye at the hallway looked disturbed by its presence.

It was just a moment after the arrival of Kravis, something strange happened, when a loud flap disturbed everyones peace.

When leaders present turned around to enquire about the sudden noise, they all got bewildered to see Savis behaving uncanny in a crucial way.

Before the leaders could even get a grasp of its problem, Savis screeched as loud as it can and escaped from the hallway, breaking the glass of the top, flapping its huge wings in extreme speed.

" Haaahaaahaa"

Gaffawed Mr. Vade.

" It seems to be scared of Krave. That fellow needs more training", added the President with a chortle.

No matter how noble they pretend to be, people of Neyley and Hepton expose their true nature without their knowledge, that is their quality of getting pleasure through mockery.

Mr. Rowan was a man of action, who would never accept his people nor his belongings to go through such mockery.

" You could never imagine how worse the situation would be, when cursed parrots of different dignity end up in one place. The consequence is something disastrous. May be, you need more training in mastery", counterattacked the Headman.

" WHAT?"...

When Mr. Vade proceeded forward to pick up a fight, the oldest general at the hall Mr. Novac interrupted them both, calming them down with harsh behaviour.

" Don't make this meeting a headache to the Generals! They might be infringers but not criminals. We can't treat our future generations merely like prisoners. Give them a judgement and send them all to their parents", he requested and took his leave from the hall, getting his esteemed permissiom from the Headman.

Scizian, who was incharge of the teenagers came infront to give details about them.

He went near the first boy of the queue, a skinny one with packed arms, " He is Dhorie, sixteen, son of Hoober. His father, a millitary assistant and a special member of the troop Winter Hawk. With a mother and sister, he is currently residing at Haverlake".

" Son of Hoober! It's such a pain for him", Mr. Rowan rebuked and walked passed the first one.

" He is Eric, son of an artisan at Bord. He is living close to our palace and the only child in his family".

Patiently explaining the details of the first four, Scizian brought the headman near the fifth one who looked quite tall, muscular and bob haired.

Mr. Rowan seemed interested at the boy, who's eyes conveyed a powerful aura with a scent of rage.

" He is?", he asked Scizian with expected ears.

The boy brisked his body while Scizian gave an intro about him, winning back a smile from Mr. Rowan.

" He is Chantley, age Seventeen, more or less considered a leader of this group. Mayor's step brother, Wail Groven is his father. His father's contribution to the treasury is held high in record. With a siblings of two, he resides in a wooden mansion at Grakewood, close to Haverlake",

" Tch, tch, tch, tch.. why youngsters are brainless these days? Its once again a pain to our future", Mr. Rowan exclaimed in annoyance.

When Scizian took his step towards the last boy, Chantley extended his left hand, trying to stop them from meeting the boy.

" Its enough! Please stop! It has nothing to do with him", Chantley requested to Mr. Rowan.

Mr. Rowan took the position of Scizian signalling him to give up his position.

With a radge look, he approached the youngster with fragile steps, threatening them by his huge appearance.

" Who is the last infringer? Don't mess up with the Ministry. If he had nothing to do with it, why did he make it across the Maribund? We have no time to deal with nor acknowledge how holy you are. Move your hand", he said to him with a leer, unable to cope up with the childish acts.

Chantley was left out with no moves, but to step out of the way, as the penalty of the ministry is something far more horrible than the regime.

When he moved aside, Mr. Rowan got a peek of a young boy, who was literally the youngstest out of all the infringers.

" He is Edmund, age fourteen. Son of Professor Zyke Zelano, currently residing at Grakewood."