The Bleakville

" Son of Zyke...?"

The Generals seemed tensed at the sight of Edmund, who weren't willing to meet their own ends, involving in the matters of Zeleno.

" Mr. Rowan, can you come aside? I need to tell you something in private", Mayor whispered to the Headman, slightly bending his back.

Moving little further from the teens, Mr. Rowan asked him with furrowed brows," What is it?".

" Sir, please exclude that boy from the list! Its like self-sabotaging our plan if his father gets to know this", he pleaded with a worried tone.

Mr. Rowan who wasn't interested in his words mintue ago, felt completely fascinated by the Mayor's behaviour towards Edmund's case.

" Mr. Coy, you looked alright when your brother's son was one among the infringers. Why do you care about the Professor's son? I'll take care of him. You may take your position", replied the Headman, turning down his request.

" Sir! He's a phsychic one! You might never understand how considerate he is, on the matters of his son. Zyke would put us into trouble, please reconsider your decision", the Mayor continued his plead consistently.

Not taking his words seriously, Rowan walked towards the podium, exposing a villaneous smile.

The Generals on the sight of the superior, took their seats expecting a good judgement from him.

" Hmmhm", he cleared his throat and continued...

" Honourable president of Neyley, we are privileged by the presence of your Royal parrot! The penalty to be given to the infringers of petulando would be duely passed on to the ones at Neyley and Hepton. My villow scizian would take care of the teenagers, in training them in the path of Bleakville".

" Bleakville?", " My nobility, please do show your mercy on them. They are too young to be trained at Bleakville. We beg for your mercy", pleaded a general from among the six.

Mr. Rowan wasn't willing to lend his ears to anyone nor change his mind.

" Bleakville is an noble place to mould a spiritless mind into eternal soul. The way it works on people might be cruel, but everything might seem fine at last. For cowards its a torture, for the fearless it is divine. No more words on it, take them all now", gradually taking off his brown mantle, he ordered them all in a stiff tone.

A meeting is said to be terminated, when the Headman takes off his code of conduct.

With no other ways to save the young souls, the generals walked out of the hallway not satisfied with his judgement.

It was only the Headman, his villow and the Presidents of the neighboring lands were present then, who can't walk out like the local cheiftains.

The cursed parrot from Neyley was welcomed for some reason, which its master wasn't aware of.

" He can set high goals", saying Mr. Rowan rubbed the body of Krave, exploring his finest appearance.

With his palm on its face, the Headman whispered, " REFLECT".

His whisper turned out to be guttural and spooky at Krave's ears, which made it automatically respond to his command.

It was just a moment of reading its mind, Mr. Rowan smiled and tapped the bird, which upon his tap, left the hall by his heavy flap, breaking through the wind.

" What have you done to him? Where is he leaving?", cried Mr. Vade, who was bit taken back by the birds sudden behaviour.

" Do not worry! I have send him to Hepton to pass on my message to the ministry. I can't send Mr. Griffen in a such a condition, for I'm responsible for his situation", said the Headman in a thought of responsibility.

It was such a burden to Hepton to see a good willed man, return in a deplorable way.

" Its nine from your side", said the Headman, who raised his eyebrows letting out a cute smirk.

" What?", asked Mr. Vade, who was quite confused of how his bird responded to the Headman's command.

He with his deep tone, he therefore declared another secret, which the leaders of the dominancy tried to hide from them.

" Nine from Neyley and Five from Hepton had tried to infringe the rules of the Canon, while the helping bridge is something numberless. Like I said before, the punishment to the infringers is the same for all. I thereby pass on this responsibility to the Ministry of respective lands, on taking care of the issues in sending the infringers to bleakville. I hope you'd understand the situation Mr. Vade!", said the Headman.

Bleakville, a fort at Petulando, located at the main city called Bord, is the most intense and vicious place at the land. Apart from its main intention of defending the enemies, it is also a place where roughish ones are trained to death.

The dark place had its own history, in creating a massive change to its lands, making the men strong and principled.

Its the warriors present at Bleakville, threaten any enemies, who try to break through the peace of Petulando.

" Be careful! Those paths are thorny", said Scizian, pointed his sight towards the youngsters.

" Ouch! It's quite pricky. Why does these stones look so much different from the one's at the land?", asked Eric, a boy from among the six.

Scizian who was leading the group, smiled at the front and replied to them with a cute smirk," Once you enter the campus area, you'd have to walk through difficult pathways for a distance, so as to reach the fort. It's for the prevention of invasion and also a form of training. Now, STRAIGHTEN YOUR BACKS! ARMS AT THE BACK! WALK UPFRONT WITH YOUR EYES TOWARDS THE PENNANT", ordered Scizian, turning his self to a mentor, out of a blue.

" What is it? I don't think, things are ought to work out for us", muttered Orlen behind the queue, who was the only girl at the group.

" Once our eyes meet the Fort, I would turn myself to your Fagal trainer, a combatant responsible for your training here. I would not be like how I'm behaving right now. My voices would never be at the ground level and I would never take into consideration any of your excuses! Get ready and try to reach high in the training! Now, move fast", he instructed hastily.

With eyes full of confusion and a restless heart that made him nervous, the fourteen year old Edmund walked behind the villow, with tearful eyes, wondering whether it would be his end, if the news had reached his father's ears.