A Trudgeful encounter

The March towards the fort was still on a go, which seemed endless as if reaching the other globe.

The pathways shimmered in heat due to the morning sun. Sharp stones made the youngsters flinch back, glaring their eyes due to the blazing sun.

All the way from the forhead to the nose, sweat dropped bit by bit, drenching up all their polo's.

Anything might happen for each step taken ahead. No more strength to put up anymore, the youngsters stooped their heads down, dropping silvery sweat all over the ground.

Feeling their body as if boiling in heat, with dried throats getting exhausted in thirst.

Whenever they raised their heads up with expected eyes, disappointment hit them hard, when it was still a lot more to walk to reach the end point.

The Fort of Bleakville was so larget than expected, with a massive iron fence and long frontyard leveling up.

" Shield".

Admist the Chaos battling inside each minds, they all heard a slow mutter, which made them froze up for a second.

The mutter flew up straight to the ears of the Fagal trainer, Scizian, who raised his brows and turned his head around in search of the blacksheep.


The youngsters stared at him, with an empathical face, fully drenched up in sweat.

" No more easy going! STEP...OUT!", he shouted harshly.

They all stooped their heads down, not showing off the one who muttered.

" I don't know why I'm too unlucky today! Be brave and accept your mistake", lamented the girl, the one who was responsible for the whisper.

" I did it", said Orlen, who fell out of the queue instantly.

Scizian had to act harsh on them, as they gradually reached the area close to the porch.

Orlen was the childhood friend of Chantley, the revolting girl since young age.

She was uncontrollable, brave and a person who purely relied on luck.

Her attire already conveyed her personality, man like and so daring, with a short hair no women in Petulando were willing to retain.

" Just a spark of harsh words might not work on you. You'll understand it once you reach the combat. Listen You! Don't use your power, when its time for you to show your strength. Sometimes, it'll vanquish your reputation. Now step ahead", pointing out his view on Orlen, he warned and then adviced her, as the land had varied history of prudent ones ruining their life through exceptionaly occultry.

Just taking few steps ahead, they stood infront of a large brown fort which seemed like a castle. But to reach it, they had to pass through the long bridge at the outer gate, then cross the short drawbridge at the gate house and then enter the main tower which was at the center inbetween two small towers.

On the top, stood a man at the watchtower wearing a hat, keeping an eye on the incomers carefully.

He seemed old, grey haired all from his head to brows, seemed feeble but bold. They felt the man watching them, who was actually at the long way away from them.

" The man up ahead is called Choncilla! He could barely see due to old age and is responsible for the guarding the gatehouse. Dare not underestimate his ability and don't try to outsmart him breaking the rules. The man is more dangerous than you expect. He could smell mistakes and could hear each and every move you take ahead. Follow my instructions and proceed", ordered Scizian, taking them all towards the large bridge.

At the sides of the long bridge stood two soldier statues made of stone and steel, with old age armors. The figurines were built in a way, as if guarding the bridge, which was more or less a memorial of two great soldiers who left their life guarding the fort.

Standing infront, Mr. Scizian showed gestures to the youngsters to be watchful and stepped his right foot on the bridge as careful as he can.

When he stepped, it showed no signs of danger. Still, the place seemed silent as heaven with the sound of the cuckoos and gurgling sound of the brooks.

This brought out a powerful grin on everyones faces, who feared for the trolls that lived under the bridge.

When the next person at the queue named Horace stepped forward, he sensed something odd, when the noises of the birds turned aloud.

Even before he could get a grasp of things, the spears in the hands of the satues, fell from its hands, blocking his path by a cross.

Unfortunately, Szician stood at the bridge while the youngsters were left out at the other side.

" Mr. Heqkard! What do we do know?", Horace screamed in fear.

Scizian seemed bothered by it, as he knew the rules of the pickets.

" I don't think the dark laina's trust y'all. They hang everywhere around the fort and they sorround the Bleakville from a certain distance. It controls all the bridges around the fort, which are too protective and suspicious. Only when they accept, we could enter", said Scizian.

They had no idea on what to do next and every minute of stay made them nervous, as they felt too scared of trolls.

" Mr. Heqkard, what do we do now? It's getting dark, why don't we try something?", asked Chantley, who was a bit impatient in nature.

Scizian was an exception to follow the rules cause of his position and power. Standing away from them, he understood all their thoughts, as they talking in group secretly.

He with his ability outsmarted everyone, knowing their move, as they were about to execute a secret plan without his guidance.

He intentially evesdropped all their conversations by reciting a old fashioned spell HEARKENEL IVADUM.

Pretending as if nothing happened, he just stood silent smiling from the other side, just gesturing them to stay calm.

" As a Second man in command and as a man beware of this brook, I request you all not to try anything stupid. Maintain your silence and the door of honor will open for you", warned the trainer, who knew the laws of the pickets.

Not considering his words, Chantley and Eric stepped up ahead as per their plan. They were ready to take the risk for their friends, who were deadly afraid of the trolls, that are said to be horrible and merciless.

Chantley stood in a position as if squating, bending his upper body down, holding his knees. Eric then climbed up his shoulders, stepped his foot on him and stood low, holding chantletey's hands.

" Boys, listen to me! You'll get in trouble", scizian warned them heedfully.

Ignoring his call once again, Chantley began the count perfectly in sync with Eric, who raised his body a little up to get into action.

At the count of ten, Chantley lifted his body when Eric jumped from his shoulders, flying across the soldiers escaping from the spears tip.

Their bravery is something to be appreciated but not their plan.

Minutes after Eric's body touched the bridge, the stream underneath it, showed abnormal signs.

A particular area of thw stream rippled water crazily, eventually stirring up fear to the rest before the bridge.