Doom of Mekdenel


Mr. Ulver hoog called upon the power of Nebula through a very powerful hymn. He hit the Shillelagh in his hand, twice at the ground, that brought roaring noise of thunder into the hall.

The hall which seemed normal and bright minutes ago, turned dark due to the dangerous nimbostratus cloud covering them.

It was a shock to the rest of the senior combatants, who weren't aware of what the Cheif's plan was.

" What on earth is going on? Mr. Filon, why is he calling forth the Mekdenel's fate? Isn't the first training with their respective villows?", a fellow high ranker, responsible for law at Bleakville asked Filon, ferociously.

Mr. Filon seemed calm, who was already aware of all the happenings.

Except few high rankers, it was a blow to every combatants around, who felt tricked at that moment.

Mr. Scizian raised from the his seat and looked at the Cheif barbarously. His stern slowly turned towards Edmund, who looked at the clouds with wide opened eyes.

When Edmund's eyes met Mr. Scizian staring at him, the warning he gave at Santo came to his mind.

Edmund's eyes got filled with tears, when he recalled his villows warning at fort Santo.

(" The Higher officials have some disappointment towards your brigade, especially on you. Even though, there are no personal black marks on you, they are so mad at your father's behaviour. Never even once in history, the Ministry had meddled in the affairs of Bleakville. It was the first time ever, the Headman had pressured Mr. Ulver to reduce the duration as well as the difficulty levels of the training. May be, this might have shattered the pride of Bleakville, as they hated the regime nor the Minsitry on meddling in their affairs. I called you here to be careful, cause nothing would happen as instructed. May be your training here would be completely heart breaking. Even in times of immense pain, be strong and don't lose hope. Brace yourself for todays training")

Edmund couldn't predict the words of Scizian back then. He understood the seriousness of his words, only when the dark clouds broke the silence of the hall.

Meanwhile, combatants at the hall caused a disturbing noise. They showed their disappointment by raising clamor, trying to express harsh comments on the authorities behaviour.

" I could relate to the feelings of the Fagal trainers. Look at them! They are insanely disappointed towards the Cheifs impromising activity", a high ranker said to his friend near.

" My nobility, we fear if you are breaking the rules of our forefathers. Even if they were alive now, they wouldn't have taken such a bizarre decision. Please, do reconsider your thought my Nobility", a generous man at a seat near him, shrieked aloud from the crowd.

No ones harsh comments, no opposement nor rebels affected the silence of the Cheif.

Maintaining the same posture, he was busy observing the nimbostrous clouds to let out the blue ray, breaking its body apart.

Those black clouds turned heavy every minute, taking complete control over the supernatural things at the hall.

When a sudden crack split the clouds part, an unbearable thunder thrilled everyone around the fort.

The giant flies hid themselves at extreme fear; Candles broke down their gliterring light and the single candles dancing at the air fell to the ground as if losing its power.

More than all, the Trolls as well as the species under their control were seen nowhere, who buried their appearance from light, escaping to the deepest area at their places of accomodation.

The fear of all magical species was a symptom for its arrival, that is, it was finally the time for Doom to take the space.

In between the cracks, came out luminant blue rays, which was the powerful aura that might bring huge damage to the people, who let it touch them.

Those series of threatening events, sushed the hall, who were dumbfounded by such a dangerous event.

It was only after then, a smile was seen at the tip of Mr. Ulver's lips, a smile full of pride and rage.

With a furious stern, he quickered few steps ahead.

With the black shillelagh in his hand, he hit the floor once again, which brought in a tycoonious wind.

The wind swirled at the center, swallowing into its ring, whatever stayed besides it.

Each one at the hall knew the consequences of letting them get touched by the ring. Holding something strong near, they all prayed and protected them as hard as they could, as the wind was so intense than expected.

Within few split-seconds, no mankind were seen at the hall, as the treacherous blue ring swallowed into its ring every single individual at the primegaurd hall.

It was the rage of Mr. Ulver pulled every one into the ring, irrespective of their ranks and superiority levels.

By the time, the primegaurd hall held only one person at the Podium, a bulky man with his shillelagh in hand.

At last, when he threw his stick at the ground, a heavy blue thunder stricked from the floor.

The nimbostrous cloud took its leave engulfing the Mr. Ulver with it, who disappeard into thin air along with the clouds.