Infelicitous locale

It felt like freezing cold.

They heard no words, only the sounds of lonely growls.

" Where am I?", Orlen muttered in a painful voice, unable to raise up her body.

She got drenched up in sweat, feeling quite scared,left out in a murky place.

" Ah! Why do I feel too heavy? What...what is it... I'm touching?", she faltered.

She grazed her hand to her left and felt something odd, which left her get into shock.

" PROFFER", She screamed anxiously, when the locket on her neck brought light into the space.

The light was kind of not bright enough, but thanks to it, she was fortunate to spot things near.

It was Superior lady Mrs. Rebec on her top and on Mrs.Rebec's top was some unknown man. It was how combatants around were left out at floor, getting stacked up by people above.

Except her, every one seemed unconcious, it might be the after effect of getting through the dangerous ring.

While she struggled to push them away, she saw a raised up hand from afar.

She shrinked her eyes and looked at the hand close enough, trying to guess who that was.

It seemed like the owner of the hand was left out in a same situation like her. Soon enough, she saw him rasing his other hand too, trying to pull himself out from the stacking queue.

" Uh! Mrs. Rebec! Please, show your mercy on me! Don't you think you look ponderous? Please do wake up, I can't breathe!", Orlen cried to her, duely pulling her body aside.

May be, it was her prayer or her luck, the man who struggled distant over, pulled himself out of the fatal heap of men.

" Mr. Scizian...? Hello! Mr. Scizian! Can you see me? Help me out of this!", she cried out, recognising the man to be her trainer.

As soon as her eyes identified the person, she screamed sane, luring him with her flashy locket.

Only when the man came near, she found him to be someone unknown, who looked similar to her fagal trainer.

She slowly reduced her volume and pretended as if she needed no help, since she felt too embarassed to recall the way she screamed.

The man, the exact ditto of Mr. Scizian smiled and dragged her out of the massive pile, who got stuck beneath a huge lady.

Soon, a cool wind touched people's ears, gradually walking them all from deep sleep.

" What's happenening, Mister? Its just confusing to see them all snoring while lying unconcious. Where are we and what's wrong with everyone?", Orlen asked the man ditto of Scizian.

The man observed everyone and then he replied "Just relax! The clouds had dropped us here in slumber, helping us enter this place with no regret. That's how Mekdenel was taken here too".

It was once again an unexpected unrest to the youngsters mind, who weren't willing to take unnecessary risks.

" Who the hell is that Mekdenel? If she had suffered, is it a must for us to experience the same? Its just crazy?", Orlen yelled to him in extreme peeve.

" Shh! Don't get yourself into trouble young lady! You can't talk as if you want about a person so dignified than you! Wait here! I'll rescue the rest and tell you about her", the man said in a hurry and walked besides her, where combatants seemed to struggle to let themselves out of the crowd.

Only after encountering him helping people, she got reminded of her friends.

" Where's Chantley and Eric? POOR EDMUND! WHERE ARE THEY?", she stroked her self and walked around, trying to find her loving brigademates hastily.

While trying to find her friends, she observed the place being plain and deserted. It seemed like ancient building, with high concreted ceiling and broken walls.

She got little swayed away by the place's appearance, duely forgetting what her mission was.

" What's this? Wall's are strange", she said and touched the wall.

"EW", She screamed, when fine powder like white sands fell from the walls.

She took a pinch of white mud and found it as sea salt not sand.

" Sea salt? Then... are these not walls but sand?", she exclaimed.

While she explored the place touching it, her legs stepped on something when she moved up.

Her legs stepped back in a split-second and got shocked to see someone lying on ground fully covered in mud.

" Ah! I'm sorry! Who is this? Is he dead?", screaming Orlen kneeled down, to help the person on ground.

She dusted filthy mud all over that person, who's situation seemed more worse than anyone at that place.

From his ears to nose, nails to toes, fine sand was what filled the man.

" Poor he? Is he breathing?", Orlen cried and when she cleaned his face, it shocked her ass up to find who the man was.

Unfortunately, he wasn't a man, but a boy who entered the place just like how she joined.

" EDMUND...?" , she screamed in shock, unable to digest how he ended up there.

She slapped his face continously, trying to wake him up with heart full of nervous beats.

" I don't think it would work?", she said worried, looking behind if someone was watching her.

Without a moment of hesitation, she snatched the snitch around her neck and coiled it within her palm, holding it tight.

"ALLEVIATE!", She whispered in a husky voice, holding the locket close to her heart.

Just within few minutes, it seemed like the spell worked on him, making Edmund wake up by a loud cough.

" Ah! Look at you, fully drenched up in sand!", Orlen exclaimed and gave her hand to her friend.

He seeme to be in immense pain, getting hit in the wall that eventually closed him up in mud.

Coughling endlessly, Edmund blowed his nose and spitted, letting out stained muds inaide his body.

" Show me your left", said Orlen, gradually dusty off his body.

While they both were busy dusting, something gliterring passed by their eyes, earning their complete interest.

The glitter when got near, seemed likean insect, a variation of firefly species.

With its bright purple body, it gently stopped at the nose of Edmund, as fast as it could, landing on the safest place, so as from getting hit.

" Meli..?", Edmund exclaimed at the sight of the fly, that made him reminiscent the times he used meli, to send messages to his only best friend.