Space tunnel

Early the next morning, Kane woke up after having a good night's rest. After cleaning up, he left the bedroom. He greeted Abel who was driving the vehicle and sat down to eat his breakfast that was prepared earlier by his master.

After having breakfast, he headed back into the bedroom to continue absorbing core energy from the core water solution. This time, he asked his master to give him eleven bottles of grunt tier core water solution.

He gently placed the bottles on the floor in the bedroom. He opened them up and drank the contents one after another until they were all empty.

The familiar cold energy spread throughout his body and his body temperature began to plummet. The cold energy assaulting him this time was not milder than in the previous episode even though his body adapted to it a little.

This was because he drank more bottles this time. After enduring six hours of the torture, the cold energy that was spread out in his entire body began to converge into his core.

After the cold energy was entirely absorbed into his core, Kane was anxious as he waited to know if his mutation would be triggered. Not too long after, he had a sudden strong urge to throw up. He immediately felt happy and relieved but also felt afraid as he remembered the pain he was about to experience

He immediately vomited large amounts of blood and all his orifices began to bleed profusely. Abel who was driving turned around as he heard retching sounds coming from the bedroom. When he saw Kane's condition he turned back around and kept driving as if nothing important was going on.

When Kane stopped vomiting, his blood which was pooled on the floor began to move as it encased him in a blood-red cocoon.

Three days later.

There was a crack sound coming from the bedroom, Abel stopped the car and immediately approached the cocoon. The cracks began to spread all over the cocoon's body until it shattered apart.

Kane who was held within fell to the ground with a dazed look on his face. Abel examined the boy who was lying naked on the floor. Kane had grown yet again as he now looked like a 15-year-old boy.

His body was filled with chiseled muscles and was already more than 5 feet tall. Abel thought that this was a method Kane's body used to adapt to the boy's ever-increasing physical strength.

Kane had a handsome face with blonde hair and blue eyes. If not for the fact that Kane was a 4-year-old boy who had the body of a 15-year-old, he would have mistaken him for a lady killer.

"Congratulation on becoming a tier 2 mutant. How are you feeling?" asked Abel as he draped a blanket over Kane to cover his naked body.

Kane only after a short while after his vision focused "I am alright, thank you". "Check your neural chip let's see what your upgrades look like," said Abel as he waited patiently.

Kane focused a little bit and his neural chip interface popped up in his mind.

Name: Kane Hugh.

Age: 4.

Class: Tier 2 mutant.

Elemental Affinity: Universal.

He switched over to the skills panel.


(Passive)Heightened observation and adaptation, level 2: the user's sensory organs and cognitive skills are greatly enhanced. The user's gene will undergo micro mutations when subjected to unfavorable conditions to improve compatibility.


Plain(Level 2): The user owns a territory of 12,000,000 km² in the void. The user can transport anything (including themselves) in or out of this territory. The Plain can be moved according to the user's will when the user is in the territory. Can be used 8/8 times today.

Space tunnel(Level 1): Creates a tunnel in space between the user and a location 7 meters in a straight line. The distance between the user and the target caught inside the tunnel is greatly increased. Can be used 2/2 times today

Piercing shot (Intermediate): shoots armor piercing arrows.

Consecutive shots (Intermediate): shoots multiple arrows consecutively.

(Passive:mutation) Cold resistance level 2

(Passive:mutation) Heat resistance level 1

(Passive:mutation) Poison resistance level 1

(Passive:mutation) Lightning resistance level 1

(Passive:mutation) Adamantine body level 2: The user's body can resist all forms of physical damage.

Rock body(Beginner): Elemental energy is sent to a part of the user's body increasing the density of that area and improving hardness.

Lunge(Beginner): Elemental energy is sent to the user's legs to strengthen their muscles for a brief period and enable a short burst of the user's momentum in a single direction.

Kane was excited as he told his master everything he saw in his skill panel.

Abel kept nodding after hearing what Kane had to say. His guess was turning out to be correct. Kane's ever-increasing abilities were making him formidable against opponents of the same realm.

The sheer amount of resistance the boy keeps piling up makes damaging him much more difficult. It might actually get to the point where it might actually be impossible to injure him.

"You are getting stronger. It will be very difficult for you to find an opponent in the same realm" said Abel.

"I only wonder why the dao of space keeps giving you support type absolute abilities though.

Oh right, remember one thing. Never use your absolute abilities when there are spectators and make sure that those who see it die afterward. Don't ever tell anyone about your absolute abilities, not even your friends" said Abel.

If people found out he could use absolute abilities at the measly rank of the mutant realm, eyelids would be raised and it would not take long before he was placed on the dissection table.

"Yes, master. I understand" said Kane with a serious look on his face.

"Alright. Let's test your new absolute ability outside" said Abel as he stood up and left the bedroom. Kane quickly stood up and put some clothes on and followed his master.

Outside the RV, Abel stood 8 meters away from Kane and prompted him to use the space tunnel absolute ability.

Kane stretched out his hand and a spatial distortion formed from Kane's location all the way to a little bit close to his master's face in an instant. The spatial distortion was transparent and everything seen through it looked extremely bent out of shape.

Abel examined it for a while. The distortion was 15 feet tall and 6 feet wide. He then stepped into the space tunnel

The interior was surprisingly normal as there was no sign of one being trapped in an ability without careful observation. He could only know that something was wrong because his danger premonition passive he got while studying the dao of fate kept warning him of an anomaly.

He walked a few feet to the side and bumped into an invisible wall. After testing its strength, he concluded that it would take a lot of effort for someone at the evolved realm to break out from the sides.

He decided to test out the absolute ability's effect as he began to walk toward Kane. He was shocked because no matter how far he walked, he could not close the gap between him and Kane. He picked up his pace and started running.

Kane found what he saw amusing as he put on a toothy grin at the sight of his master who was running but was fixed at the same spot.

While he was hunched over with laughter, his master suddenly appeared before him and flicked his forehead.

"Ouch" cried Kane as he held his reddening forehead. "Laughing at your master are we?" said Abel. Kane glared at him with red eyes while holding back a sniffle.

Abel quickly got down to business "space tunnel is a wonderful life-saving ability, distance outside the tunnel is 7 meters but I had to travel a total of 70 meters to exit the tunnel. Let me give you some suggestions on using the ability

You can use this skill to disorientate and delay your opponent's melee or projectile attacks. While you trap them in the tunnel, you can fire your own ability into the tunnel before canceling the space tunnel.

Make sure to use it alongside your finishing blow because using it again would not produce desirable results.

Also, this move is also not effective for people with a vastly higher power level than you. They could just blitz through it in an instant like I just did. It would also take a full-powered attack of someone at the peak of the evolved realm to destroy the walls of the tunnel and escape from the sides.

It would be wise to not even use it when trying to escape from someone on an extremely higher level than you are.

Alright, you have two hours of exercise. You have to get used to your new strength" said Abel while walking towards the RV.

"Yes, sir" replied Kane as the prepared himself for a round of strength tempering training.