
After exercising, Kane spent the rest of the day eating and sleeping. Abel also stopped driving for the day since he also wanted to get some rest. He was not worried about the beast tide as his danger premonition did not warn him of any danger of standing still.

They set off once again the next day. They were already really close to Edan city now, only two days away. Kane also used this time to continue raising his level.

He used the remaining seven bottles of grunt realm core water solution and one bottle of the mutant realm core water solution.

He spent close to eight hours absorbing the energy from the core water solution. The cold afflicting him was especially bitter. This might be because of the mutant realm core water solution he added to the mix.

He did not advance to the third tier though. He was certain that he was getting close. Another round of core energy absorption would most likely do the trick.

He did not continue today because they were not that far from Edan city.

The next day, after he woke up, he cleaned himself up and went out of the bedroom to have his breakfast. His master was not driving this time and seemed to be waiting for him.

There was an awkward silence between the two as Kane ate his breakfast.

When he was done eating and taking care of the dishes, his master called him over for a brief chat.

"We need to talk," said Abel. Kane sat close to his master and listened attentively.

"We are only a day away from Edan city but we have a problem. I killed Abdul and I would not value my life if I showed up there ever again"

"Let's go somewhere else, master," said Kane with a worried look on his face. Abel shook his head and said "We can't. there is something very important I need to do in the city. We don't even know the direction to another city even if we tried.

And besides, we need to warn the governor of the impending beast tide that would befall them. Not doing so would inevitably condemn the entire inhabitants to death".

"What are we going to do?" Kane asked his master.

"We are still going to Edan city. I only have one request. I hope you could hide me in your Plain indefinitely when you head into the city" Abel made his request.

"But that place is really dark and empty and lonely," said Kane. He knew that his Plain was too empty the boredom would drive him mad if he stayed there for too long.

Abel smiled "don't worry. As long as you let me see everything happening outside, I think I will be fine. Besides, I have my book and can also cultivate while I am inside. I could also help you with timely advice and participate in battles if you are hunted by stronger opponents".

Kane nodded vigorously as he instantly accepted his master's explanation. He could not bear the thought of separating from his beloved master.

After getting that out of the way, Abel got to discuss his plan for Kane after he gets to Edan city.

With a serious look on his face, he continued "From now on, you are going to drive to Edan city, don't worry I will teach you how to drive. When you get there, no matter what they say to you, you should only request to meet the Hunter Association's castellan, Juwayn Faisal.

When you meet him, don't try to hide anything that happened between me and Abdul. Tell him that I killed Abdul but was seriously injured. You took the opportunity to escape with the RV.

Warn him of the beast tide that will attack the city in a month and the number of Knight realm beasts they are expected to face to help them make adequate preparations.

The Hunter association is more or less interested in your well-being so I think you will be alright when you meet him. He will bring you into the noble district and ask you to join a sect.

Edan city is a low-grade city managed by the Storm Cradle sect. There is also another sect, the Imperial sect which is a sect fixed in every city or town that is recognized as part of the Dyssiodian empire. This sect is controlled by the emperor himself.

You should join the storm cradle sect though. Edan city belongs to them at the end of the day and the imperial sect has no political weight in the city. It only acts as an extension of the emperor's presence in the city.

If I can remember correctly, the annual recruitment examination for both sects is supposed to be ongoing by now so do well to register as soon as possible.

During registration, you will be asked if you are willing to reveal your mutation for extra benefits from the sect. Refuse this offer. This is your final trump card, the fewer people that know, the better. The hunter association also knows this but I am sure they will also not reveal this information to anyone else no matter what.

Oh, one more thing Edan city's residents worship Dev, the god of war. I strongly advise you have absolutely nothing to do with them. I can't say why I'm telling you this right now but I promise you it would be for your own good in the long run".

Kane also wondered why he was warned against staying away from a god he had done absolutely nothing to offend. Heck, the people of Edan city seem to be living quite happily without any sign of divine oppression or subjugation. He would obey his master though, it might be something that he could not understand because he was either too young or too weak.

After a rather long pause, Abel who had his hand on his chin and eyebrows furrowed heaved a sigh and looked at Kane before saying "I don't have any other thing to say, at least for the time being. I hope you understand everything I said?"

"I did. don't worry master, I will surely remember" said Kane who had a serious look on his face.

Abel looked at Kane's scrunched face. The expression he was making would have been adorable if it was coming from a little child. Unfortunately, a 15-year-old boy making such faces looked weird. He quickly remembered that Kane was still a little boy with little to no life experiences even though he looked like a teenager.

He quickly stood up and said, "I will also make sure that nobody cheats you. You just have to listen to me. Alright come let me teach you how to drive".

Kane stood up and excitedly ran to the driver's seat. Abel pointed out everything important about driving the armored vehicle. After a few hours, Abel could say that his eager student, Kane, now had what it took to drive them safely to the city gates.

He let Kane drive around for a bit to let him get a hang of it. They soon stopped to eat as Kane's stomach had begun to rumble. After eating, Kane once again took to wheels while his master sat down at the passenger's seat and kept his eye on his student.

It didn't take long before Kane drive relatively well. After all, he was really smart and his cognitive ability was well above average. Abel let him keep driving when he saw this.

They only stopped when it was a few minutes past 10 that evening. They had their dinner and Kane chatted with his master a little before going to bed.

The next day after they woke up and ate breakfast, it was finally time for them to continue their journey.

They were not far from the city and would get there before nightfall. Abel asked Kane to send him into his Plain before they began the final stretch of their journey.

Kane obliged and sent his master into his Plain and made the outside world visible from inside the Plain. He drove for hours and only stopped to eat lunch prepared by his master that morning. His master had a supply of food with him so he was naturally not worried about that.

He continued driving until it was around 5 pm. The huge city gates of Edan city came into his view. The 50-meter tall wall was imposing every time he looked at it. The force field covering the entire city which was transparent when viewed from inside the city was opaque and light blue when viewed from the outside.

This was to ensure that those who tried to attack the city would not know exactly where the defense turrets were mounted.

He slowed down to crawling speed as there was a long queue of vehicles entering the city. The vehicles were searched and the soldiers who were posted by the gates and the drivers would have to show their passes or purchase one before they are allowed in.