Visiting Hunter Association Again

It took a while before it got to Kane's turn. He parked the vehicle at a designated location where the vehicle was scanned by multiple sensors. The contents of the RV were quickly captured and sent to those in charge. The vehicle was then labeled as safe and was allowed entry.

A soldier carrying an automated rifle walked up to the driver's seat window and knocked on the glass. Kane rolled down the glass and quickly handed over his pass as he tried to avoid any form of small talk.

The soldier examined the pass and after he determined that nothing was wrong with it and motioned for Kane to drive into the city with his head.

Once inside the city, Kane had to drive slowly as he was not yet that good enough at driving and there were other cars on the road now. Kane's destination was the car dealership where they rented the RV. It was already past 8 pm when he arrived. The security guards let him enter the large compound and he was quickly escorted to the guard house by two armed men as soon as he stepped out of the RV.

The guard house was not that spacious but the walls were made of metal that was quite sturdy. Even Kane could not put a dent in it. "I want to see the hunter association castellan," said Kane with an indifferent face.

The two guards looked at each other's faces looking lost before turning back to Kane. "The only people you are going to see are us. Later you will see a lot of police officers and maybe your cell mates depending on how well you answer our questions" said one of the guards who was an elderly man with a mustache.

After he heard what the man said, Kane sat down and shut his eyes. He no longer spoke to the guards. "Hey, we are talking to you. Are you even listening?" shouted the younger guard.

"I want to see the hunter association castellan. I have important information he needs to hear. You can also get someone who has a more important position than that of a guard to speak with me. You could also let me go. I would gladly head over to the hunter association on my own. You only have twenty minutes or else I will leave on my own" said Kane without even opening his eyes.

The younger security guard was infuriated by Kane's words and was about to get physical but was held back by the older guard. "Alright. Let's wait and see" the guard fumed and sat down in a corner and stared daggers at Kane.

The older guard pulled a chair and sat next to Kane. "Hello, my name is Safiy. What's yours?" said the older guard as he tried to break the ice. "You know you are in a lot of trouble. The vehicle you rented was supposed to be returned a week ago. The driver accompanying you is also nowhere to be seen. The least we expect is some kind of explanation".

Kane still ignored him and did not speak any longer. After waiting for a while and getting no reply, Safiy shook his head with a defeated expression on his face.

He stood up and took out his phone before stepping outside to make a call. He came back a little bit later and tried one last time to get some information from Kane all to no avail. Fifteen minutes later, there was a commotion outside which prompted the younger security guard to step outside.

Sounds of gates opening, moving vehicles, and car doors slamming shut were heard from outside the guard house. A few moments later, the door to the guard house was opened and three men stepped in. Two of them were definitely bodyguards . one could easily know from their clothing and the way they carried themselves.

The man in the middle of the two bodyguards was a bald and slightly obese man. He was wearing a blue suit and a red tie. Safiy quickly got off his chair and greeted the man before offering his chair to him.

The man sat down and threw a quick glance at Kane who had still not opened his eyes but completely ignored everyone in the room. The man cleared his throat "Ahem, I am Shukri Rasul Suleiman. The director of Edan city's car dealership firm. You should know that the driver assigned to your vehicle was a high-ranking member of the hunter association. So unless you don't want to lose your little life, I suggest you start talking".

Only when Kane heard that Shukri was the director did he open his eyes. He took out his hunter association identity card and gave it to him. When Shukri saw the information displayed on the card, he was shocked beyond words, and his back was drenched in a cold sweat.

'He is already in the mutant realm and had a novice status with over 300,000 contribution points' thought Shukri. He was lucky that he first asked questions before taking drastic actions. "I am truly sorry for the rude tone I spoke to you with, your excellency," said Shukri hastily.

The jaws of the guards in the room dropped. This was one of the top officials in the mortal part of Edan city was apologizing to a kid for using a rude tone while talking to him. Kane calmly took back his identity card and said "don't worry Mr. Shukri. I will take full responsibility for Mr. Abdul. All I just want is to meet the castellan of the hunter association. You only need to take me there".

"Ah, why didn't you say that before?" asked Shukri. The two security guards suddenly found some objects in the room very interesting as they both quickly looked away at that moment. "Let's not waste any more time. Come with me," said Shukri as he quickly stood up and led Kane out of the guard room.

There were three luxurious SUVs parked just near the gate of the car dealership firm. Kane was quickly led into the one in the middle. He and Shukri sat down in the back seat of the vehicle before the convoy left for the hunter association.

After some minutes of small chat between the two, Shukri was finally able to exchange contact details with Kane. They soon arrived at the hunter association branch found on the mortal side of Edan city. Shukri and his bodyguards escorted Kane into the building out of respect and just in case they were being duped by the kid.

The interior was filled with people, as usual, going about their own businesses even this late at night. Kane quickly approached the counter he used the first time he came there. He cut the line and stood beside a man who was currently being attended to.

"Good, evening" greeted Kane, directly interrupting the attendant who was in the middle of speaking. "Get back in line, punk," said the man who was now angrily looking at Kane. The attendant also glared at him and was about to ask him to get in line when Kane took out his identity card and placed it on the counter before the attendant.

She took a look at it and a look of pleasant surprise filled her face. She turned to Kane and said, "so it's you, kids nowadays grow too fast don't they? What can I do for you". the man was slack-jawed when he heard what the attendant said.

"I want to see the castellan. There is some important information I would like to share with him" said Kane as he took back his identity card. "Okay, I will let him know right away. Could you wait for a little in the lobby? You will be informed immediately he is ready to see you" said the attendant.

"Thank you very much," said Kane as he took back his identity card. The attendant smiled at him before returning her attention to the shocked man standing in front of her. Kane turned around and met the gaze of Shukri and his bodyguards.

"You guys can go now. I can take it from here" he said. "Very well, sir. You have my phone number, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call, okay?" said Shukri. "I won't forget," said Kane as he waved at them before they left the building.

He sat down on a seat and patiently waited for the attendant's news. Before long, when he was about to doze off when the attendant who had left her counter approached him. "The castellan is ready to see you now. Come, I will lead the way to his office" she said. Kane who was startled awake almost sprang out of his seat. He quickly recollected his thoughts and followed the attendant.

She led him through a path that led behind the counters before arriving at a door at the back.