Queer battle

"Don't get too hopeful because of that last match. The girl had no beast blood mutation while Uthal could use a high-level skill so the odds were stacked against Shadiyah. Your opponents have beast blood mutations and are naturally stronger than you. Your matches would be a lot tougher than what you just saw" said Abel as he did not want Kane to think his upcoming battles would be remotely simple.

Kane sighed. He realized that he might depend on his weapons in the matches to come. The memories of his battle with Siruzen who was just at tier 4 of the mutant realm was still fresh in his memories. The way he was being dominated in that match left him afraid of fighting others who were stronger than him by more than one tier.

An announcement for the start of the next match was made and the competitors were asked to step onto the platform.

The fighters this time were Azzah Amari and Samir Bazzi.

Azzah was a young lady whose looks and age was hard to determine. Her black combat robe was baggy and she was wearing a hijab on her head and a veil was covering her face. She was in tier 4 of the mutant realm.

Samir was a middle-aged man. He was the only one who was wearing a black military-grade combat suit. He was very muscular and his bulging muscles looked intimidating when it was covered by his form-fitting combat suit. He was in tier 5 of the mutant realm.

The two competitors walked to the teleportation platform and were teleported away from the waiting room once they stepped on the platform. Kane looked at the screen. He was also interested in this battle.

The two competitors stood apart far from each other. The referee stood between them and looked at them to confirm their conditions before stepping back and waving his hands to begin the battle.

Samir took out two brass Knuckles and wore them on each hand. His opponent looked like a gentle lady but he didn't mind. He was going to smack her around until she gave up on the fight. He was about to charge toward her but was stunned by what he saw next.

Azzah's clothes began to morph. Her hijab began to contract and turned into a band that tied her hair in a bun. Her iris turned pink and her veil shrank to cover her lower face. Her robe also began to tighten until it turned into a black form-fitting jumpsuit that looked like it was made of latex.

Her black high heels and the long barbed whip she took out from her waist pack made her look like a dominatrix.

Samir was slacked-jawed for a moment due to the sudden change but was not too phased by what he saw. He steeled his resolve and dashed toward his opponent.

"You are quite the naughty boy aren't you? You need to be punished" said Azzah as she flicked her whip. The whip uncurled in the air and lashed at the place where Samir was about to step. He would have been hit if he did not quickly stop his forward motion and jumped aside.

He quickly regained his balance and was about to continue his advance when the whip came crashing down at him again. He also dodged the attack once more but he was soon trapped in a barrage of attacks.


Azzah was expertly swinging around her whip and sent the whip at her opponent in a frenzied combo of attacks. Samir who was busy dodging her attacks was bothered. The continual swinging of the whip without retracting them meant that speed and power were traded for the continual assault.

This meant that the damage he would take from the hit was not going to be that severe. He just didn't know why she kept on swinging like that. Did she not know that or was there some kind of ulterior motive behind the swings?

He figured that there probably was something fishy. The whip must have some sort of poison on it. That must be why she just needed abrasion or cut wounds. He had to counterattack.

He waited for his chance and timed the next impact of the whip. When it landed, instead of jumping out of the way, he nimbly sidestepped the attack before dashing towards his target. His path was filled with whip shadows but he skillfully dodged them all by completely focusing and lightly sidestepping when the whip was almost about to hit him.

When he was finally at arm's length of his opponent, her whip which had just missed him, left her momentarily defenseless and he was going to take full advantage of that.

He swung a right punch at her face which successfully connected. She was sent reeling from the impact and Samir closed in to initiate his combo.

He swung a left punch at her face and he could hear bone crunching when it connected. Azzah was almost sent flying from the attack but was promptly stopped when her shoulder was grabbed by Samir.

Samir was already in the zone. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her down as she was about to be sent flying from his previous punch. He sent another punch at her stomach which drove the air out of her lungs.

When Azzah was hit in the stomach, air that had a tint of pink from her lungs was pushed out from her mouth, past her loose veil which floated upwards revealing her beautiful face, and onto Samir's face.

It was so unexpected that Samir ended up breathing the entire thing. He reflexively let go of Azzah's shoulder and hunched over in a coughing fit.

Azzah who quickly stood back up took her whip and swung at full force at the man in front of her.


"Hahahaha" Azzah laughed hysterically as the whip kept raining down on Samir's body and had already begun to leave bloody marks on it.

Samir was not too worried about the pain. His harsh training made him accustomed to such levels of pain. What bothered him was the effect of the poison his body had been accumulating. He could feel his temperature quickly getting higher with every passing moment.

His heart beat kept racing and he could feel the blood rushing to a particular part of his body.

'It's an aphrodisiac' Samir screamed in his mind and he felt a tent growing in his lower region. He quickly began to lose focus as it seemed like every lash he got from the whip turned a part of his rationality into a primal desire to mate. 'The whip might have been coated with the same aphrodisiac' he thought.

Azzah kept whipping her opponent as she was laughing and evading all his attempts at tackling her. "You are a very naughty boy. Laying your hands on your mistress. Repent from your transgression and beg for punishment" she said as she kept lashing her opponent.

Samir who had been so far unsuccessful in his attempt to get close enough to end his opponent's assault felt like he could not take it much longer. His view was already covered in red and he was already foaming lightly on his mouth.

"Punish me for my transgressions, my mistress" screamed Samir when all of his rationality had been wholly converted to desire.

"As you wish," said Azzah as she swung her whip. It accurately hit the tip of the tent that formed between her opponent's legs.

Samir had a crazed look of ecstasy on his face as he keeled over and curled up on the ground. His body was quivering intensely on the floor as moans escaped his mouth.

Azzah was about to swing her whip again but the referee had seen enough. He grabbed unto the whip and stopped her from attacking again.

The match had ended and Azzah was declared the winner. She kept her whip in her waist pack and her clothes reverted to the baggy form they had been before the match.

"Hahahahahahahahaha" Abel burst out laughing and Kane had a lost look on his face. He could not understand what he had just seen and was left even more confused. He turned to look at the others who were in the room with him and saw that they all had weird looks on their faces.

"I wonder how you will fare fighting against her. Your poison resistance would help fight against the toxin and your adamantine skin and rock body skill would help reduce the damage from the whip. Hmmm, I think you have a slightly higher chance of winning. Your strengths play against her mysterious beast blood mutation. Let's just hope she would be assigned as your opponent in the next round" said Abel after thinking for a while.

There was a bright light coming from the teleportation platform. Azzah appeared and she calmly walked back to her seat as if what just happened in the ring was not related to her.