First kill

This was the first time Kane was teleported between dimensions. The process was much harsher on the body than normal teleportation.

Abel did not want to disturb Kane while he was still feeling unwell. When he felt that Kane's condition was starting to get better, he asked Kane to let him out of the Plain.

When he was finally outside, he took his time to carefully looked at his surrounding.

They seemed to be in a house made of ordinary bricks instead of the usual modern materials humans use for construction.

The house was poorly lit as the only source of light was the sunlight coming through the windows. There were pieces of furniture like chairs and small tables made of wood and beast hide were placed haphazardly.

He heard the sound of hurried movement and looked at an entrance to a room. Behind the opened door was what looked like a humanoid female. She looked like a child who had just hit puberty.