Chapter 277- Declan’s plan to make Yasmin happy

Yasmin did not leave the room. She refused to respond to Harry and Amy as well. Her head ached, as did the rest of her body. She lay back on the bed, curling up into a ball. Her eyes were burning, which she assumed was due to crying.

Her lashes were droopy. She was struggling to keep her eyes open. She couldn't figure out why she was sleepy after only waking up.

She was feeling cold as well, so she pulled up the blanket over herself.


Her drowsiness vanished when her phone rang. She reached for her phone and answered it quickly upon seeing Lisa's number.

"Yasmin, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone. I took you to the party, but I preferred to spend my time with Sam rather than with you. I feel so bad. Please forgive me."

Yasmin felt bad when she heard her sobbing. She had been worried for her since the night before. "Stop crying. You are not responsible for what happened at the party."