Chapter 278- A fever

Declan was also as excited as Francis was. He would at least find out what exactly had happened back then and who had deceived Arthur.

"His health condition is not in good shape," Francis added. "His daughter has to take him to the hospital every now and then."

"I want to meet him. I am willing to take care of his treatment as long as he will tell me everything that happened in the past."

Francis nodded. "We can go and talk to him any time we want."

"Then let's go first thing tomorrow morning."

"I will make the arrangements."

Declan received a call from Harry not long after Francis had left.

"Madam has not eaten since the morning. She is having a fever."

"Fever!" Declan exclaimed and rose from his chair. "Call the doctor. I am on my way." He dashed out.

When Declan arrived at the villa several minutes later, he saw the family physician checking Yasmin.