Chapter 403- The painful and shocking truth

"She was telling the truth."


Derrek's brain exploded as soon as he heard those words. His legs shuffled back unwittingly. He felt as if the ground beneath his feet had slipped. His whole body went numb, and he leaned against the wall next to the door.

"Amber was not related to the Wilsons by blood," Declan explained. "Every word Tina said about Caroline was true."

"You mean… she lied to dad to get him to marry her!" Earl sounded astounded.

Declan nodded and sighed in dismay. "Yes, she lied. Dad trusted her, but not his wife. Mom was devastated and decided to leave him."

"I see. That's why Tina claimed Caroline was responsible for dad's marriage's dissolution."

Derrek dug his nails into the file, his chin quivering. It was a shocking and painful reality to take in. He walked away in a hurry, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.