Chapter 404- Family dinner, Part- 1

Julia moved like a tornado, instructing the employees and boosting their confidence.

"We will not sit back and mourn and let our enemies take pleasure in our loss. We will work hard and get back at them. I know how hardworking you all are. We can work hard and complete the orders."

"We will work harder," they all said enthusiastically.

"That's what I needed. Okay, get back to work. First, complete the orders that must be delivered within one or two days."

Everyone got busy with their own work, and Julia went back to her cabin.

She sat down with the ripped dresses and thought about how she could make new designs out of them. Some ideas sparked, and she noted them down.

Meanwhile, she received Yasmin's call.

"Okay…" She dropped the pen and picked up the phone. "Hey, Yasmin. How is your health now?"

"You are asking about me. I am worried about you. I called Grace and heard about last night's incident. Are you all right?"