
In a dark room two figures could be seen, the other one is sitting on a leather chair with a huge desk Infront. The other one is a tall figure standing still, looking at the man sitted. the only illumination on the room is the bright full moon out in the sky that lit the room from the huge window behind the sitted man.

"So you have decided to throw him at the battlefield, instead of killing him?" That man asked.

"I think that I don't have the power anymore to do that, Lieutenant." Vincent replied bitterly.

"Oh, may you explain to me why?" The man asked curiously.

"The first time i saw him he was nothing but a mere child in his teens, but after a day he is now almost on par to me." Vincent summarized.

"I see, so you decided to drop him out in the war to let him die?" The Lieutenant asked again but this time with a slight smile.

"Yes, but even with that in mind he still chose to go. When i offered him that, i saw an indescribable excitement in his eyes." Vincent said quite intrigued.

"Ho ho, it seems Valerie has brought a calamity to this world." The man laughed.

"I apologies for my sister's actions, she is still quite young and has little experience." Vincent bowed deeply.

"It's alright, there's nothing to apologize for, maybe in the near future that boy might be useful to us." He said with a slight smile.

"You may take your leave now." The man said with a waving gesture.

Vincent nodded and left the dark room.


Vincent closed the door leaving only the man in the room, alone along with his thoughts that only himself knows.

"A calamity, huh?" Vincent muttered while walking on the hallway.


"There was farmer who had a dog bingo was his name ohh!~~" Ares sang, but from the faces of the people inside the caravan it was more like scratching a fork on a plate.

"B-I-N-G-O!" He shouted loudly.

All of them covered their ears from the loud shouting of Ares, he was singing a song that they are not familiar with non-stop when he got bored over three hours ago.

"Ares may you please shut up? You have been singing the same song for over three hours now." Irene spoke while still covering her ears, looking very cute.

"You might attract unnecessary attention with that ear piercing voice of yours." She continued.

Ares stopped and looked at her for a good minute, before smiling and sang even more loudly.


"This guy is crazy!" The man wielding a battle axe exclaimed.

"Oh god! please strike this man!" The woman next to him cried.

"Well at least its a different song this time." The women with a bow said not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

And just like that he didn't stop singing for the rest of the trip, and thankfully they were not attacked by a single monster.

As the sun comes down and the moon rose up the caravan stopped for the night.

They light up a fire using aether and smoked a meat.

"We hurriedly eat this up before we attract any monsters." The man holding a battle axe said, the whole crew nodded.

"Let us rest early, we'll be leaving by dawn tomorrow." The horseman announced.

After eating everyone went to their respective tents and slept for the night.

While ares was left alone in charge of guarding them, after two hours another person will take his place in guarding the surroundings.

'They're all asleep.' he thought.

'I could kill them all in a flash if i wan--'

'What the fuck, no! What the fuck am i even thinking? Why would i kill them?' he thought as he shook his head madly.

He then stood up and walked around the area.

"Some little hunting wouldn't trouble them." He said as he left the area, trying to ease the loud voices in his head.

Three hours later.

While clutching onto his two short swords in each hand Ares slashed a black tiger taller than an elephant on earth.

There was a bored look on his countenance, the corpses if his victims surrounded him, blood and organs were everywhere even the intestines of the monster was hanging on the tree.


Ares looked back from his shoulder there he saw Irene who has a pale countenance.

"Did you do all this?" She asked.

Ares looked around before looking back at her with a smirk.

"Is there anyone you see here beside me?"

"Those are rank 2 monsters." She said as she took a look at the black tiger lying dead with its face smashed and its brain squashed.


"You could sell their carcasses at a very high price." She said while looking at him while her knees are still bent down.

"Ohh, nice then I'll pick them up and sell them tomorrow!" He said joyously.

He then gathered all the carcasses of the black tigers he killed, there was a total of eight tigers he then pulled the tigers from their tail towards the camp.

Irene watched all this on the side and later on followed him back to the camp.

"I will now have my sweet rest." He said to her before entering the tent to have his sleep

Irene guarded for the next two hours and after that she switched up to the woman with a bow.

The woman was shocked at what he saw near the bonfire, it was the corpses of the tigers Ares killed. She then looked at Irene who was now entering the tent where she comes out of, she looked at her fearfully.

After an hour everyone was now awake and is ready to set out. At first they were stunned by the corpses of the tigers but later on decided to just ignore it.

Ares put the elephant sized tigers on the spatial pouch of Irene after begging for several hours, and because of annoyance she gave it to him, he promised her that he will give her a new and better one once he sell the carcasses.

Even after the sun raises there was no sun light could be seen due to the thick clouds covering the sky.

After a long four hours they finally arrived at the camp where many soldiers cavaliers and bowmans are present. Even when they are afar from the battlefield they could here massive explosions.

"Oh you have arrived!" A captain greeted them.

"What's the situation, sir?" The man with a an axe asked.

"Not good, the demons just kept on coming. Their numbers even grew as time goes by!" The captain said.

"These are my teams except for the two. I am Jason." The man with a battle axe introduced

"I am Anna." The one who spoke was the woman with a bow.

"Fred." The man with a skinny figure said

"Amy." The girl with gauntlets followed.

"It is nice to meet you all, we are really in need of soldiers and Major General Vincent said that you all are great fighters among your peers!" He praised.

"May i know the names of the two of you?" He then asked Irene and Ares.

"I am Irene assistant of Sir. Vincent I am only here to observe this thing." She said unemotionally as she pointed as Ares.

"Hey sir, may i know where i can sell monster carcasses?" Ares immediately asked after waiting for his moment.

"Ah just straight ahead theres a sign saying 'shop'" he answered.

"Thanks!" Ares then dashed towards the tent that has a sign of 'Shop'.

The corner of captains lips twitched for a second before facing the group once again.

"Quite an energetic fellow huh?" He said.

"Hey, I would like to sell monster carcasses." Ares said to the man in the shop.

The man turned around and looked at the seemingly seventeen year old holding a pouch.

The man nodded and ares took out the seven black tiger which is now on the floor.

"Good lord! Seven Tigraus!" The man exclaimed, by this many looked at their direction and later on many started to surround them.

"How much?" Ares asked indifferently.

"Uhh, one Tigraus cost for over one thousand gold, with seven og those you'll get seven thousand in total." The man calculated.

"Thwn I'd like to sell it all." Ares said.

The man handed him a pouch containing seven thousand gold coins.

"Old man do you have a spatial pouch i want pouch that has thousand square meters worth of space." He asked

"*Cough* old man? Yes we do have what you want, but instead of a pouch its a ring, it is cost for over two thousand gold coins with a total space of eight thousand square meters." The man said before taking out one golden ring.

"Okay, I will take two please!" He said, the man then handed two golden rings to Ares and Ares gave the man four thousand gold coins.

After taking the ring Ares turned around and while walking he felt many eyes looking at him.

"Hey kid why don't you give me everything you have?" A man clad in black armor approached him with a hysteric smile.

"You better fucking leave me alone if you want your head still intact to your body." He said.

"Why? Your gonna order your bodyguards and kill me?" The man jeered as he held Ares's shoulder tightly.

Under everyone's unbelieving eyes, Ares grabbed the man's head and took it off of its body.

"I warned him, but he wouldn't listen." He let go of the head and let it roll over, as the now headless corpes of the man sprayed blood over the place from the hole of its neck, everyone has a fearful look.

Ares walked towards Irene and and the others who witnessed everything he has done.

"Irene." Ares called out with a smile.

Irene looked at him, and to her surprise Ares took her left hand and put on a ring on her middle finger.

"Y-you do know i could put it on by myself." She said while looking away from him.

"I know." He said with a smile.

"Ohhh." On the side Jason was amazed by his actions.

"What a man!" The captain commented in which Anna, Amy, and Jason nodded to with firm look.

"Shut it!" Irene shouted, her previous unemotional persona now gone, her face slightly red.

The earlier action of Ares was swiftly forgotten except to those people around them.

"So where and when do we start smashing some fucking demons?" Ares asked excitedly like a child waiting for his present on Christmas.

"Oh right i will be leading you all the demons are upfron-" before the captain could finish his sentence Ares dashed towards the battlefield faster than before.

"Sigh." The captain sighed.

They looked at him with a bitter smile, feeling helpless towards Ares.

With only wearing a white long sleeved polo and a black leather trousers and leather boots, with his short swords on his waist he attacked the first demon he encountered in the battlefield.

The demon was two meters in height and has huge horn un its temples. They have a grayish skin and dark red eyes with each of them holding maces, sword, hammer, battle, axe, and even crossbows.

"HAHAHAHA, COME!" Ares shouted madly at the horde of demons.

"Who the hell is that kid he ain't even wearing an armor, but his slaughtering demons without using any weapons!" A soldier exclaimed.

"Come demons!" A strong bloodlust surged out of his body as he massacred a group of demons.

"Oh my God! The demons can't even put a fight to him, they're even running away!"

"I wonder who's the real demon between that boy and the demons."

Many soldiers voice out their thoughts and commented at Ares.

"God damn, his a total maniac!" Jason exclaimed.

Rumble! Rumble!


A loud roar was heard through out the battlefield and a creature sizing up to fifteen or so meters tall came out of a red portal where the demons came out.

It was red in color, deep black eye, and a barbaric physique. It was holding a huge mace its lower body seemed to be a lower body of a goat.

It scanned all over the wide battlefield and there he saw Ares massacring demons not even bothering to look at him. This action made him furious and loudly roared at him.

The soldiers felt their knees weakened when they saw the giant demon that came out of the portal, some even fall onto the ground.

"Thats a huge one." Amy commented she could feel her hand trembling from fear.

"Let's go and join in!" The captain announced, the group of four then followed him rushing towards the battlefield, leaving Irene at the campsite.


A small demon growled as its body was split in two by ares holding its horn and the other holding its ankles, its organs fall out of its body onto the ground.

Ares looked at the huge demon Infront of him who was glaring at him.

He smiled and run towards the demon before jumping high.

The demon then ran towards him preparing to slam his enemy with a giant mace, when its within his reach he slammed the giant mace with of its hand clutching onto the handle.

Ares clenched his fist tightly and held it back when the demon was upon reach he punched out and landed on the giant mace of the demon.