
Like a kite that flew wildly when its string is cut, the mace was blown out of the demon's hand fiercely. Flying to his side and reached for over thirty or so meters away from the giant demon, its tip is now deeply buried underground.

"Damn, that mace is fucking sturdy!" Ares exclaimed in bewilderment.

The demon was stunned at first but later on regain its original demeanor. It then punched Ares who was off guard, busy looking at the mace he just punched a few meters away.


Ares was thrown out from the punch of the demon and broke many various trees on the forest, some monsters who were just passing by were even killed in the process.

All the soldiers had a shocked look on their countenance, their hearts pounded hard every second as they watch the fight of Ares and the large demon, fighting the low class demons were already hard enough for them, they were just humans with no power after all. All of them will be massacred without even having the chance to fight back if Ares didn't defeat the giant mob with a mace.

"Son of a bitch! He punched me while I'm not looking? What a gay move!" He shouted in disbelief.

The soldiers near him who heard his remarks couldn't help but sigh, 'its a demon, your in a war, does that even matter?' they all thought.

He then stood up and patted himself all over the body, brushing the dust and dirt off his clothes.

He then dashed at the demon dashing at him, now holding its mace and is ready to smash it to him.

"Today will be your last battle!" Ares said as he jumped up after dashing at a greater speed.

He then intersect his fingers onto the other and now holding both of his hands tightly and as his fall increase he slammed it into the ground near the giant.


Like a huge bomb that has been dropped, the impact caused the giant to staggered from its steps and almost fall.

Ares then swiftly jump up and upper cut the demon from the chin and kicked it downwards on the forehead with all his might.


The demon groaned as blood trickled out from his nose and the corner of his mouth. He stared at Ares furiously with his abyssal dark eyes.

The demon was now on its knees, using its mace as a cane, the demon stood up with difficulty.

"You look like shit right now!" Ares shouted with a mocking look as he then laughed at the giant who looked like a clown to him.

As if understanding the words of the human infront of him he growled and opened its mouth wide, while inhaling air, or more precisely aether!


A dark red ball of energy formed just above and under its teeth from the mouth. It then roared and the beam shoot out towards Ares's direction.

"Ah fuck!" He cursed as if regretting what he had just said.

He looked back from his shoulder and there he saw many soldiers from the camp, if he dodge this many will perish. The attack came from an unknown demon, a huge one at that, each and every attack it releases is enough to kill hundreds of soldiers.

With this type of attack most of the soldiers will die and some will get injured badly.

He then released a blood red aura his eyes glowed reddish, a maniacal look could be seen on his face, the whole air around him change even the ground trembled for a little.

"Let's fucking go you fucking dirt bag!!" He shouted as he ran towards the incoming red beam without a care in the world.

He spread his left hand and face his palm towards the incoming red beam, his hand glowed reddish before the beam hit it.

To all the soldiers nearby the beam didn't destroyed Ares's hand, instead like a blackhole engulfing everything that comes closer to it, Ares's was absorbing the red beam!

"What..... The fuck?" The captain near jason exclaimed in shocked he couldn't believe what he was seeing!

"That kid is crazy." Anna said dazedly with her mouth slightly open, not just her but all of them are in a dazed while watching the scene hundreds of meters away from them.

All of them are shocked, they didn't expect someone to absorb a demon's attack, it was never heard before that a human can do such a thing!

After a minute the demon stopped, and to its surprised the humans didn't die as he expected them to be. He looked at the creature in front of him with a fearful look on his face.

"You are fucking dead you fucking son of a bitch!" The demon heard a shout above him, to him it was like the grim reaper announcing his death.

Everyone looked at the sky that was still covered with thick clouds, there they saw a flashing red light. Even the demons looked at him fearfully.

Ares raised his hand towards the sky and in a blink of an eye a massive red glowing sphere formed!

"Clench your teeth and fear me, you lowlifes." Ares belowed, looking at the demons beneath him coldly.

He looked very domineering Infront of the soldiers on the ground, they looked at him like a savior sent by god himself.

Ares then released the massive sphere by lowering his raised hand and the sphere followed, heading towards the massive demon.

All the soldiers felt awe and fear towards the falling sphere that seemed like the sun has fall onto the earth.

The demon threw away his giant mace and ran towards the portal a hundred meters away from him, It's not just him but also all the demons in the battlefield.

Even with their characteristic of being a brabaric and merciless creature, they felt fear from the man in the sky,looking down at them as if they were bugs.

Before the giant could even reach the portal, he felt his skin burn and some weaker demons was burned to death.


The giant was hit by the sphere and after hitting him it continued to move forward, heading towards the portal where demons came in and out.


The portal fell into ruins, the demons have nowhere to run now.

"The portal is destroyed! CHARGE!!!" The captain announced.

"Ooohh" the soldiers shouted in joy as they charge onto the demons who are now runninga way from them.

The appearance of Ares turned the tables, in just a matter of thirty minutes!

Falling from the sky with his hair dancing violently, he landed on the ground with a "boom" standing tall he observe the scene unfolding Infront of him.

"You have done well, I'm sure that the Major will be overjoyed with this." Irene commented to his side.

But Ares didn't respond.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"N-No i think i fucking broke my bones into shards in my legs. That landing was very painful even for me... Shit!" He gritted his teeth and spoke through the pain.

Hearing this she looked at his legs that was now fiercely trembling and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Do you need help?" She asked.

"No j-just leave me alone for a minute." He said as he bit his lower lip tightly.

Irene nodded with a slight smile and move away from him. And took out a circular device near to her mouth and spoke to it.


"Oh! That was quite fast! I thought it would take them for at least a couple of weeks!" Vincent spoke in surprise while holding a circular device near to his mouth.

Infront of the table was valerie sitting on the side with a wooden chair that seemed very luxurious, she has her eyes closed while listening to her brother talking on the device.

After a long exchange of words he put down the device and took a deep breath.

Valerie opened her eyes and revealed a sky blue eyes, she looked at her brother that seemed to be contemplating on something.

"It seems that i underestimated that kid's strength. He closed the portal, even destroyed it in just thirty or so minutes." He spoke with trace of excitement.

"W-what?" She spoke in disbelief, her beautiful sky blue eyes trembled from the words of her brother.

"Only a lieutenant general and above can do such a thing!" Valerie exclaimed.

"I will report this to Lieutenant General and see what he'll do to that boy." Vincent said before standing up and exiting the room in a hurry, leaving Valerie. There's a lot of things she wants to ask but her brother left him before she could even utter a word.


"God damn that brat slaughtered a whole army of demons with a single attack!" A soldier clad in black armor spoke.

"I know right! The demons even ran away from him!" Another one followed.

"I don't even know which one is the demon when i saw him split a demon in half with his bare hands!"

All sorts of comments from the soldiers could be heard all over the camp. They were astonished by the performance of the young fighter who fought along with them in the battlefield.

He was killing demons as if they were pigs, and toyed the giant demon which all of them feared the most.

When they search the area of the portal earlier, they saw the remains of the giant, the lower part of its body only remained while uppert part was nowhere to be found. The portal was completely destroyed beyond any repair.

"Four hundred and three! Four hundred and four! Four hundred and five!"

On a tent not so far away from the camp, inside was Ares doing push ups, he paused when he heard the someone came in. When he saw it was just Irene he continued.

"Why are you doing push ups when you're already strong?" She asked curiously.

"I put on pressure to myself, so to me gravity feels twenty times more heavier than usual." He explained.

Irene just sat on the side of the bed and just watch him silently.

"Five hundred!" He shouted as he collapse onto the ground, his well defined muscles on the chest expand and contract as he heaves for air.

Irene on the side accidentally looked at his chest covered in sweat and couldn't help but gulp from the image, her face flushed in redness.

Ever since Ares's whole personality changed, his body followed, as if he had eaten something magical, his height grew and his physique became more defined. All of this happened in just a short amount of time.

"Haahhh, did Vincent said anything about me?" He asked as he sat up, his right forearm now resting to his stood right knee.

Clearing her throat before saying. "Ehem! He said that you'll be assigned to another location and our departure will be by tomorrow."

"I see. Your face is red are you sick or something?" He asked with a concern look.

"N-no probably just the beer i drank along the way!" She reasoned.

"Oh okay." He said not pursuing the matter anymore.

"I will now take my leave." She said before standing up.

Before she could even open the curtain of the tent she felt a firm grip held her right wrist, she looked at Ares with a more reddened face.

"W-what are you d-doing?" She asked while stuttering.

"Does jason and his team will be coming with us tomorrow?" He asked.

"Y-you don't have to pull me! Perv! And yes, they are coming with us tomorrow!" She said something annoyed.

"I see." He said before letting go of her hand.

"Good night." He said with a smile.

Irene nodded and didn't say anything more as she swiftly exit the tent.

"She really don't want to be touched, huh?" He said to himself.

Outside Irene held her chest with reddened face, she could feel her heart pounding out of her ribcage.

"That perv!" If Ares saw her at this state he would doubt if this was the same unemotional girl she met on the first day of their meeting.

Ares then cleaned himself up before going to bed and get some sleep, today was quite exhausting for him and he know for sure tomorrow will be another exhausting day.