
Haneul furrowed her brows in concern slightly. She wasn't sure how to react to this answer. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Haneul sighed, "But you're no filth." She added. "Don't say things like this just because you have underlying trauma." She said harshly, "That wasn't your fault but healing from it is your responsibility. You can't just tell your wife not to touch you because you're filthy. That makes 0 sense." 

Yeom Tae couldn't help but laugh. He knew he could be light-hearted with her even with the hardest topics and he was right about his instincts. She was a true Pediatrician; stern when she needed to be, obviously her concern was hiding behind that sternness. 

"Haneul," Yeom Tae called her, "There's a thing called metaphors." He said while laughing. "I don't literally mean I'm filthy, you know that right?"