Kill someone

Haneul opened her mouth, dumbfounded and speechless since Yeom Tae seemed to be wanting to know more. 

"Don't you think using force to get me to help is kinda weird?" Haneul asked. 

"No, afterwards." Yeom Tae cleared himself. "You said he said strange things to you afterwards. That's what I want to know." 

Haneul nodded, "He kept asking me to take care of you sarcastically, as if he wanted to hurt you again or something. After the kkangpae attacked us, he even told me that it was your family… That's why I wasn't too surprised about it right now. He keeps claiming weird things. He even said that me telling you everything about him is not going to make you believe me over him…" She explained briefly. 

Yeom Tae listened to her calmly, without any expression on his face. 

"You believe him over me?" Haneul asked, slightly disappointed. 

But she had expected this…