A little more effort


"A pact?" Yeom Tae asked since it seemed to be worth hearing. 

Haneul nodded slowly and hesitantly. She had just spoken of it since it was in the back of her head. However, she hadn't given it enough thought yet. 

"Like," Haneul tried to compile her thoughts. "If our families signed contracts for our marriage, can't the Jangs sign a contract with you guys? Like a peace treaty?" She suggested. 

Yeom Tae hummed to give it a thought, "The thing with our contract is different. They gave you to us because we know too many of their secrets. You're like an asset. As long as we have you, we can exploit assets out of your family, as harsh as it sounds." 

"Yeah, I figured." Haneul scoffed. 

"With Jangs," Yeom Tae sighed, "Our ancestors tried to end them, so we kinda have bad blood with them."