Not deserving

"But Haejung-ssi," Yeom Tae called her now that they were inside, sharing cups of tea over the table while seated on the floor and facing each other. 

"Hm?" Jang Haejung hummed in an interrogative tone while slowly sipping. 

"We should just aim for an alliance." Yeom Tae suggested. "I don't see any other way around it." 

"The clans won't be dissolved even if we push for an alliance. You will never be able to get out the life you want out of as long as a potential opposition stays. And who's to say other clans won't try to eat you out?" Haejung explained briefly, "Just so you know, we're not the only clans you are up against." 

Yeom Tae furrowed his brow, "Then what do you have to suggest?" He asked. 

"Stay put." Jang Haejung ordered. "And become stronger." She added. "You're weak compared to your father." 

Yeom Tae nodded. "And how do I even get above him?"