
Yeom Tae dropped his shoulders and turned around. He wasn't going to face her like this. Not after the panorama of how he had acted last time was playing in front of his eyes. 

"Does that even matter?" He asked in a wavering voice, a surprise even to himself. 

Where was the furious, drunk, out of control Yeom Tae? He felt his eyes tearing up unwillingly. 

"Why doesn't it?" Haneul asked back in a disappointed voice. "I just wanted to know how you have been." She added hesitantly, wondering if it was okay to ask. 

Her voice sounded nervous, as if she was expecting him to walk away once again. She had cried to have him stay last time. With him turning his back on her now, he realized he was only messing things up. He instantly forced himself to turn back around.