Raz jumped at the woman and his teeth sunk into her neck! The other women in the bath all screamed in fright, but the woman just sighed.
"Not this again. Can't you do without drinking blood for a second? I need to talk to you,"
Raz was now confused! Where was the shock! Why isn't she shouting and screaming like the other girls!?
He slowly brought his teeth out again and told all the other girls to get the fuck out. If he caught them saying this to anyone then he would just kill that person. It's not like this dynasty will last that long anyway.
"Who are you?"
The woman stood tall and Raz noticed that she was extremely dull. Her eyes were narrowed and she had dark circles that were heavier than anyone he had ever seen. She was beautifully depressed!
"I'm Gretha and thanks for not killing me again,"
"Again? I've never met you before. I don't think I would forget seeing someone like you if I met you. You are bleeding from your neck but you don't even care?"
Gretha touched her neck and hummed when her hand came back red. She had to take a bath.
"You will probably not remember me, but I remember you. You were the first person to kill me and also the only person that could. I want to make a deal with you,"
The first person to kill her? Raz was confused. What did she mean by that? He has killed many people in his life and he sure as hell didn't remember all of them! He took a closer look at her. If she is talking like this then he must've heard it before. He would remember someone as strange as her if he ever met her before.
"I was from your town in 235 BC. You drank all my blood,"
Ah-Hah! Now I remember her! Her eyes were like the oceans were stuck in one place! But why did she become so dull!? How can that woman become someone like this!? She looks like she just wants her entire life to end!
"Can I talk to you? I don't think we have much time before the maids come back with other guards,"
Oh, yeah. Raz told the girl to continue and she told him her problem...
"Hold on, let me just park here first. I think we need to report to the chief before we file the official report,"
Maria parried the car around the back of the police building and they both came down and went in. They gave their report to the chief, and even though he looked like he wanted to strangle something when he saw the note he didn't blame them and told them that they can have a good night's rest so they continue tomorrow. Maria and Joe finished off their official report and then they were finally allowed to go home.
They walked to the parking lot together and Joe tried to gather up his courage to say what he wanted to. He took a deep breath and finally spoke.
"So... Unm, wanna come over to my place?"
Maria stumbled in shock before she caught herself and waved away his worried expression. I'm fine. I'm fine.
"Sorry, Sorry. I think my cats miss me, I need to go home. Maybe some other time? I'll call you, okay. Just come in early tomorrow so we can continue the story!"
Maria actually didn't blame Joe. She never told anyone that she was married and she didn't even wear a ring. It was strange, but even her husband agreed that they shouldn't make it too public. They were weird like that
Joe watched as she got into her car and drove away while waving at him. He politely waved back. Shit! He came on wayy too strong! He couldn't have said that they should go out for coffee instead!? Why did it have to be his house!?
And she turned him down for a cat!?
Maria drove up to her house and she smiled as she opened the door and a cat came up there and began to run at her leg. This is Zeroth and he is so clingy! She carried him up and Zeroth looked at her with bored eyes that just screamed 'food!!!'
She chuckled as she went down to the kitchen and poured him a plate before moving to the room while thinking. This case was too much trouble. She should have expected that the killer would know they were on his tail. It looked like he really knew what he was doing this time.
But what was all this with Joe and his fixation on vampires? Maria knew he read that book a lot of times but she never thought he would start bringing it into reality like that. That man needs a hobby. And she needs to talk to her husband about that book tomorrow.
Well, she had to get to sleep so that tomorrow would be an early day for her. She hated her job sometimes.
The next day, Joe and Maria met up at the station again. Luckily, there weren't any new cases of murder today but the chief told them they should head over to some of the scenes and see what they could find there.
The two of them headed out once they grabbed their morning coffee. Neither of them could function without it.
"So, should we continue where we left off?"
Joe was the one driving this time and he asked Maria this with a smile. Maria was glad that he wasn't being awkward after what happened yesterday. She nodded with a nonchalant wave of her hand but Joe could tell she was actually interested to know what happened so he continued!
"So you see, Gretha was an immortal... "
Or at least as close to immortal as humanity would ever get. She used to be a witch, a pretty good one at that and one of her stupid incantations went wrong a long time ago and she suddenly found herself with more life than she ever bargained for.
This is a good thing! You get to live forever! This is usually the reaction most people would have when they have eternal life handed to them. And for some time even Gretha felt that way, but as time went on she stopped seeing this as a blessing and realized that it was really a curse.
No, really. It was a curse that demons placed on her because she was meddling in things she sure as hell shouldn't have been meddling in.
Gretha lived for thousands of years. She watched people come and go and she watched her family grow old and die without her. She was miserable and alone for a long time and the absence of death in her life made her regret ever meddling in the occult.
She tried everything. She tried to hang herself, but she only stayed there and choked for hours in end. She tried to stab herself, but she only bled for days before her wound finally healed slowly. She tried to even cut her head off, but she realized that even when her head was off her body she could still feel her head and she could still see through her eyes and talk through her mouth.
The poor guy that found her that one time was probably scarred for life!
Joe looked towards Maria and he saw that she was looking outside the window to the side. He expected her to say something about what he just told her but she didn't say anything.
"No comments this time? It's kinda boring when I'm doing this alone,"
Maria sighed. The author made dying that many times while trying to break the curse sound so painful. But it was understandable. it was a long time ago so her options were limited.
She really needs to call her husband later.
"I just don't have anything to say. You can go on though..."
Joe shrugged. Maybe she just wasn't feeling alright. I'll ask her about it later.
"So like I was saying, she just couldn't die...'
And no matter what she did it seemed like she would just wake up in perfect health after a few days. Gretha was absolutely miserable and she lived for a long time like this. But when she came to the town where Raz ruled, she found something amazing! She was taken to his mansion as the sacrifice mainly because she was just a traveler and the people there thought it would be better to use the traveler instead of one of their own as sacrifice. She expected that her blood would just keep coming out without him ever finishing it. But it didn't happen like that. Instead, she actually died.
"So I killed you for the first time? Then how the hell are you here?"
Gretha frowned like she was thinking about something foul and disgusting.
"It looks like demons are very petty with the way they deliver punishment. I was dead for about a hundred years! I'm sure of it! But then I was reborn as a little girl again! Can you believe how annoying it was for me to wake up and see myself here again!? How can I not even die when I die!!?"
Maria chuckled at that part and Joe smirked. She was out of her funk at least.
"Raz was so out of his depth when she appeared! I know he will do something crazy to her!"
Maria said this while chuckling lightly and Joe swallowed as he thought how beautiful her laugh was. He really had it bad for this woman, huh? HE shook his head and tried to clear it as they continued.