
I quickly ran to ella ward, as i approached the door , I slightly opened it and saw ella lying down with bandage over her body like mine her skin was pale.

"Ella"I walked to her slowly and embrace her "my daughter"I cried looking at her helplessly .

"I'm sorry , I couldn't save you from your father , I'm truly sorry" I knelt down beside her caressing her hair .

"She is okay "I got startled and turn back to see the doctor coming close to the bed . I got up and sat on the chair. "She just had a minor injury she need alot of rest and eat properly , it seems like she's starting to develop ulcer"he said , I was shock not expecting ella to develop ulcer and this early stage of her life , I stuttered a bit the doctor held me before I could fall.

"Madam , pull yourself together you can still help her become better though it can't be cured" the doctor said hastily before he could utter another word I burst into tears , I couldn't hold it anymore "what kind of mother am i ?I'm I wordy of being her mother ?what will she think of me or what will I tell her when she grow up?"all these thought kept on swirling in my head and many more.

"Madam , stand up let her rest for a while before we discharge her"the doctor helped me stand up on my feet as I felt dizzy he took me outside the hall .

"See to be frank with you, your daughter health is not good at all , she lacks the required food needed in the body and probably I guess she doesn't eat , what I don't know is if you give her food at all or she refuses to eat but you need to take her health seriously" the doctor said in a serious tone making me a little bit frightened. "And also I prescribed drugs for her , go to the pharmacy to get them"he said giving me a paper . after that he brought another paper from his coat .

"Here madam it's your bill there's a bank close by you can pay it there our account details is at the back "

I took the paper from him , instantly I froze the paper slipped out of my hands , the doctor noticed this and picked the paper."are you okay madam " he snapped his finger in front of my eyes ,making me jump out of thought . "sir please i beg you where will I get such amount"tears start to swell in my eyes ,"I don't have money and I don't know where to get this money "I knelt down before him joining my hands together to plead . the doctor had pity in his eyes for me and bend his head low. " I wish i could help as you know I don't own this hospital and the policy states pay before treatment but when I saw your child , I couldn't ask for money first though you had passed out then , I broke the rule and of people gets to know about this I may get fired , please try to understand "he explained "and stop disgracing me by kneeling down stand up before people see you "he said while scanning around with few people eyes on him . "sir please"I continued crying not caring what he had say .

" what's going on here"? A very deep but sweet voice asked, I couldn't help but look up at this person . slowly I raised my head lo and behold there was a man standing with high shoulders , his hands on his pocket , he was tall muscular , shining black hair that he gelled to the front in all he was well built and charming. I looked down quickly to avoid his gaze .

"No.....Nothing sir"the doctor spoke with a shaky voice as if frightened about something ."what do you mean nothing, this lady is here crying and even kneeling and you tell me nothing "he asked with an angry tone . "sir , this lady here came with her daughter for treatment but because her daughter condition was critical I treated her without payment first but when I gave her the bill now she said she doesn't have the money and also she passed out so we took her for treatment too