7-1 第三只眼睛 The Trinity eyes.



The Trinity eyes

The surrounding area was filled with a dazzling array of colorful blooms. All the beautiful flowers bloomed like the emperor's palace in the spring on earth.

Finally, Lotus Pond came back covered with cold air. Small and large groups of fish all come back to life. The River's deities and the lower deities in Yǔchén Divine House came to the west with healing spells. They worked together to bring those lotuses back to their original beauty.

Most of their work has been done by The River's deity because the Demon god are not good at rehabilitation work. He can only do a little, not even with half the power of the newly born.

When Lord Yǔchén make the Dragon God of Revival spells available without confidence, though no one dared to laugh at him because it is not the nature of a deity who has a pure and good heart.

It was widely known that Lord Yǔchén had more maternal destructive power than divine power.

The devine men, Fāng róng and Fēi líng stood on the right side of Lord Yǔchén, behind the three divine men. Many deities and servants served in the house. start to disperse once the work is done.

"Forbidden women can cause war. In the human world, I can understand the old lady's predictions. Big Brother shouldn't provoke Divine Yǔchén."

"I'm not provoking anyone, Fāng róng. You think about it yourself."

"I don't want to repeat the same thing over and over again. because of our good relationships with Lord Jí gòng and both of you. She's just one treasure in my house. just talking and smiling. She will not be the cause of any war."

The Demon god explained expressionlessly with a blank expression.

The River's deity was unable to face the Divine Yǔchén as he was scolded in front of the crowd. Deity Fēi líng had admired Ābèi before. But he could only admire. when he looked at her through the window All channels are blocked. He can't even be friends.

"She is one of my possessions. It's a sacrifice given to me by humans. not a divine woman You guys should stop worrying about her."

"I think she's smart. excellent eloquence, lovely lady with kindness. I've met a few goddesses, but Ābèi... she's beauty from within. Her white face was as beautiful as in a painting. I have seen a white lotus blossom in my father's house since I was very young. One day I thought that those lotus flowers were not smiling as brightly as Ābèi; I think they are no longer the most beautiful."

Deity Fēi líng praised her as she looked ahead and waved a light green iron fan. It's like talking to the air. not even face to face with the interlocutor.

At the moment, River's mother Fāng niáng and Ābèi overheard it. The Mother of Rivers didn't want the two sides to disagree and cause it to become a big deal. saw that she had to teach her son

"Deity Fēi líng, you will never be able to flatter a woman like this. Let me warn you first. Especially Ābèi She's a Demon god's treasure."

"I'm sorry, Mother... Why did you all say one word: divine treasures? Two words: divine treasure. I see her as an immortal woman with a beautiful heart. She was as compassionate as her master. She is no one's property."

Ābèi was unfazed by the praise. Raising hands to pay homage or thank Deity Fēi líng, would not be pretty. That was equivalent to accepting a warm welcome.

As she turned towards the Divine Yǔchén instead, he was staring at her as though she was about to break her neck right here. even though she didn't do anything. Just standing there and breathing can turn out to be a mistake.

"Ābèi... she is his treasure, believe me. Take a closer look at her; it's time to open your eyes to the truth."

The river's mother goddess, Fāng niáng was the one who solved the grievances for all parties. With a light palm stroke on Ābèi's forehead, a bright red appeared.

"That thing is called the Trinity. Whatever she sees, Divine Yǔchén will see it through her forehead as if it were his third eye. The Trinity eyes can only be obtained by sacrificing a Demon god... the Trinity eyes...." After that, the goddess was silent, as she didn't want to reveal anything important. No one in the world of us knows much about this story.

The Western Mother turned her head and looked towards Divine Yǔchén with a displeased look.

"There is only devil who enjoyed receiving tribute as human beings were satisfied with the tribute. By tradition, none of our angels shed innocent blood."

"But I have to. It's an order from above. If I don't pick up the sacrifice, humans may face big problems. I cannot tell anyone about this."

Divine Yǔchén was not a good negotiator. He has always respected The River's deity, especially Deity Jí gòng and Goddess Fāng niáng, just like she does. She also didn't want to take away this Demon god's dignity.

"Now, my son, tell me. Do you want a wife who has other men's eyes staring at you all the time?"

Divine Fēi líng stood still, stunned. There is no need to imagine any more if there is to be such a marriage. It's no different than hell! with a thorough understanding of the meaning of the Demon god. He turned away and did not look at her again.

It was Fāng róng's wide-eyed, staring at the eyes on her forehead. saw that it resembled the eyes of Deity Yǔchén in his snake-demon form.

"No wonder! Lord Yǔchén was able to see everything during hibernation. He looked through the trinity itself. That lightning was also his spell!"

"A man should not look at a woman with affectionate eyes. Unless she is a wife. I heard from a monastic woman too. She said, No more than three steps closer to a man."

Ābèi did not listen at all. She rolled her eyes and looked up. Raise her fist to the middle of her forehead like slapping a bug.

"Ah, like this... arr... Lord, did he see me changing?!"

"I am not a deity with a wicked character. I've had a lot of experience with female misfortunes in the human world. But I'm afraid... I saw something by accident... unintentionally."

Ābèi raised her hands to cover herself and hugged her body tenaciously. looked at the Demon god with malice, as if everything were his fault. Her face turned red up to her ears with anger and shame. even if she didn't say it out loud.

Divine Yǔchén did not have time to clarify this matter. The Demon's tribute ran about like a madwoman. Scream and yell!

'My forehead!'