7-2 第三只眼睛 The Trinity eyes.

No matter how, she would not have succeeded in fulfilling her wishes There is no way to turn off the power of the Trinity eyes.

Ābèi then thought to herself that in the blink of an eye, Divine Yǔchén might not see her body in all proportions. Most of the time, she just flicked her hands and changed her beautiful clothes as she wished. She could almost use a spell to facilitate everything in the divine world.

"You haven't recovered yet... shouldn't run so fast, Ābèi."

The person who was summoned suddenly turned around to meet sharp eyes. She was so humiliated that she ran wildly. Divine Yǔchén then grabbed her with a black artifact that could pull her whole body back. Her feet flew up into the air.

"What else is there, Ābèi? I don't see it as a big deal."

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Then follow your heart. I think you must have lost your mind because of the Trinity."


Divine Yǔchén furrowed his brows and looked at her without understanding. When she turned her head and fled the other way Refusing to speak, he made an expression as if the Demon god were a wicked man. secretly inspecting her body through the trinity!

"Why is a wise woman like you now speaking without knowledge? never mind.... You've recovered, go get yourself ready. We will go tomorrow."

Ābèi was freed after the end of the order. After that, Divine Yǔchén just walked away from her with an indifferent expression.

Ābèi shifted her dress without looking at the reflection from the tall mirror. In the spacious and comfortable room of Deity Jí gòng's house, she closed her eyes, swiftly flicking her thoughtful hand to change them. When receiving a new set of black robes.

The blood-colored skirt shifted from dark to lighter, like ripples. The fabric on the chest is embroidered with glittering gold thread and a black serpent pattern. But it had four graceful feet, like the dragon clan in the heavenly world.

When she thought carefully, she could no longer be angry with Divine Yǔchén in regard to his Third Eyes. When it can't be helped, she can't do anything.

Another thing is that he likes to brand her. With beautiful clothes like this, she can only question why he cherishes her. If she really was just a household treasure, she could only ponder.

She mustered up the courage to face the mirror once more. Glancing up to look at her forehead, it appears as a simple red seal. She was relieved; she didn't have bloodshot eyes like yesterday.

The ladies in the house of Lord Jí gòng came to help arrange the rope around her waist. A hairpin with black pearls from the depths of the sea. Both of them looked enthusiastic. Only Deity Fāng niáng Wan asked them to help her dress up today.

"I've heard you're the Yǔchén Deity's sole female. This year, he is more than five thousand years old. Whenever there is good news, don't forget us."

"Divine Yǔchén has you as the first woman."

"Both of you are misunderstanding. I am not the woman of Lord Yǔchén. I'm just an item in his house. You can call my name...."

Ābèi spoke in a friendly way. The two of them pulled her hair back smoothly. It is a bouquet of flowers that are embroidered with a pin. divide the strands of black hair on both sides and rest on the shoulders Her raven black hair is soft and fragrant. natural drop-off, revealing smooth cheeks and a slender neck Her shirt was like a gauzy net. covered with robes, therefore, they did not see a lot of flesh.

"Lord Yǔchén isn't a deity that talks so sweetly. he doesn't care about anyone, but he's very attentive to you, Ābèi."

The two women obediently subordinated her. She agrees to be called only by her name. No longer holding on to one another's rank, let's become friends. As is the custom in this world, minor deities or even servants in the household are all considered residents rather than actual servants because they are not paid.

Instead of money, the deities exchange things. The city's rulers are separated in each direction. For this realm, Lord Yǔchén took care of the North Mountain Range. His Highness Jí gòng takes care of the west, which is a source of most waste water.

The woman on her right gave her a piece of bright red paper to dab on her lips. Her plump lips turned bright red, like the color of blood. She looked purely beautiful, like a big concubine in the royal palace.

"I agree with Su Li. Divine Yǔchén brought you many beautiful things. Which way will you walk I see that he keeps staring at you."

"Beautiful things can't buy my heart. I am not a person who cares about wealth."

She only agreed on some points. But I don't want to lose my heart to flattery. As a result, a tearful smile of affection for the two female assistants.

"Thank you very much, I'll go first, I won't forget you guys, Su Hua Su Li."

In her gentle voice, Ābèi hoped to have a female friend in the Divine World if she had the chance. and she said she had found.

She took each step with caution. Until reached the spacious hall of Lord Jí gòng's residence.