9-1 愚蠢的女士 A foolish woman



A foolish woman

Ābèi just comforted the fire beast, causing it to smile again. While she was walking, she spent most of her time with Lián lián. without the slightest bit of indifference to the other deity in the house.

Since Divine Yǔchén ignored her earlier, she could not have done anything wrong. She sneaks up to him and notices him sitting with his eyes closed and not moving beneath the towering tree. intending to practice diligence and concentrate on himself. She's not sure if it's because of the misfortune she mentioned. But she thought it was because the Divine Yǔchén didn't come to her. He didn't send her any gifts again.

She had not seen Divine Yǔchén since she spoke about the vengeful spirits of the twelve women.

With the return of loneliness, it should be a good thing. When Divine Yǔchén no longer cared about her, even though he had said himself that he would always come to admire his treasures,


spoken words difficult to get back

Lord Yǔchén just took it all back! It's not difficult for him in any way.

The gloomy, beautiful face looked down at the ground. Well-woven shoes step forward. next to the fire's flames, which had returned to their original glowing gold color. Unlike hers, the Beast Tiger's state of mind returned to normal within a few days. Who was looking up at the setting sun with eyes that shone with sorrow?

The moon appeared in the wide sky when it sank. It's not too dark yet. Ābèi returned to her basement bedroom as the dazzling light of the sun was about to leave. To make her raven hair soft, fragrant, and not messy. Even her garments were always monitored for their beauty.

with a small hope that the owner of the treasure would pay attention to her before she secretly glanced at the two snake henchmen in the kitchen. They are preparing herbs for something. She walked cautiously so that no one would notice her.

The lower deities in the house must have been busy doing their chores. No one noticed her prowling around. She picked up a small white cloth off the kitchen table and wrapped it around her forehead. I intend to run away to relieve my loneliness a bit.

She probably won't go very far. because she herself didn't want to get into trouble.

A thin figure dressed in pitch black walked along a white stone wall that was shrouded in black mist. With the skill of the Divine Yǔchén who spread the boundary to prevent anyone from passing through, she flicked her toes like a martial artist. Jumping over the trees in the bamboo forest Quietly hidden in the treetops to dodge Xiǎoyù rú who was talking to the younger Snake Servants, the rumors of Divine Yǔchén weren't very good right now.

She eavesdropped on the story of Divine Yǔchén helping the Fire Tiger Beast because of her. The lotus pond at Lord Jí gòng's house was completely destroyed because of her. The minor deity had sent a message from above. The Heavenly King also received an answer from Deity Yǔchén. When he sent a message through the river via the magnificent goldfish, responding with the reason of the gods' mercy

Divine Yǔchén's actions were not his fault. And if he help the devil or a minor demon out of compassion, there have been demons in the past who have used their sons as an excuse to deceive the deities. Some even disguised themselves as little children, infants, and infantile animals. make oneself look pitiful in order to get what he wants.

The heavenly king was only warning every deity to be careful. Use wisdom to think about helping living beings, whether it's appropriate or not.

Ābèi just knew Divine Yuchén used to collect two snake eggs and nurture them until they grew up.

Xiǎoyù rú, Sūyùyí is a snake demon. a family that was close to the serpent, but it wasn't as strong as it was. Both concentrate on the divine side. not offend anyone, even their dress His mannerisms seemed to be more divine than those of demons.

There were six to seven deities in this house. Sometimes, more than ten appeared out of nowhere.

What is this about? She started to get confused. Are these two divine men also demons? Then the lower-rank deities agreed to be spies, or did they all agree? If they really stay together in the same house, why did they send a message to the King of Heaven?

"Brother, don't take your eyes off her. I don't think she's very vicious. Though she likes to behave like a man, I think she knows how to set herself up for a feminine demeanor. That is why Divine Yǔchén is so cherished by her."

"Where is she now?"

"She slept in her bedroom. She wouldn't dare go anywhere. Lord Yǔchén always used the Third Eyes to keep an eye on her."

"Eh... I think it's weird. Our Lord had no interest in any Heavenly Daughters, of course. How beautiful women are; he never even glanced at them..."

Both of you are evil, aren't you? likes to gossip about others behind their backs. Act like a woman; I'm The Lord beautiful treasure!

Ābèi clenched her teeth on the tree. secretly insulting them in her heart. wait until the two Python demons walked in another direction. She dashed forward, carrying a small beast, jumped down, and ran away swiftly. Let the little one in her arms be free. Lián lián was walking behind her, but not too far.

Next to the bamboo forest is a fertile forest. Lush, moist flora. Flowers on the grass bloomed beautifully in all their colors. Not far away was an emerald-colored body of water with many rocks lying beneath it. It's just the right shape.

[1] 一言既出,驷马难追 – Idiom – One word slipped from the mouth. Four horses are hard to take back. People have to be very careful with their words.