9-2 愚蠢的女士 A foolish woman

as she had been suspicious since she had been with the two River's deities but had forgotten about it. Last night, she remembered. So, she decided to come back and see, in the hope that an angry Demon god would not see her.

"I think the underwater rocks in this area are strange. The River's deity told me that they aligned together to form the layout of Lord Jí gòng's house. By chance or not, I don't think there are so many coincidences in this divine world. even the human world."

"I have the same thoughts as you. But after you have considered it, you should go back and sit in the bamboo forest. Make it look like you've never been outside the walls of the Yǔchén Divine House."

Lián lián was a young tiger with no confidence. It's complaining. As picky as the Divine Yǔchén to dissuade her from going anywhere. Ābèi squatted down in front of the water source. Turn around to find it. She was about to continue talking about why it hadn't been on her side. Not bored with the bamboo forest? while she suddenly met the angry red eyes flashing.

"Lord Yǔchén!"

The divine-man in black robes stood staring at her earnestly. spoke to her in a cold voice

"The Third Eyes were born from devil's spell. No matter what you bring to cover. You can't cover my eyes, Ābèi. I look through your forehead and see everything, even the way you jump up that tree. Dodge Shi Yuyi, Xiǎoyù rú, get angry at them. I saw..."

How unlucky she is! Escape from the Monk Mountain and come back with a powerful weapon. such a great power

"Arrr! You... Lord Yǔchén..."

She exclaimed furiously. Jerking off the white cloth, throwing it into the water when it was useless cluttered her head even more. She looked down at the water. carrying Fire Tiger to sit on her lap.

"You should stop holding Lián lián. It was not a pet like a dog or cat in the human world. It's a demon beast. Even its mother would not embrace it. Don't treat it like It's a baby by singing a lullaby. when LianLian gets used to it. If danger comes in one day, no way to survive."

"Why don't you help me take care of him? Lord Yǔchén was an experienced person. Have mercy on the devil, even those two snakes you raised them. You should not be discriminatory. biased towards this little beast. Can you teach me what I should do? I'm just a foolish treasure in Celestial world."

She also stroked its head. Even seeing the sharp eyes of a tall man filled with rage, which quickly subsided.

"Put down that Lián lián. Let it go back on its own... You follow me."

"No, now let me bring those stones up first. I want it then I'll sit down and talk to you later..."

Ābèi drew her left hand until the black shirt fluttered in the wind. She created a black jet, causing the water before her to ripple.

When Divine Yǔchén realized that she was self-willed, he had a surprised expression on his face. He's now thinking of using traction to drag her into his arms. but it probably doesn't look good. The servants in his household might have created rumors.

Just like this time, he has already been criticized by the heavenly. Yǔchén knew in his heart that he should behave better. So, he stood and watched her try to collect the stone under the water. By drawing hands, using Yin magic with so much concentration

"What is mercy that sustains your world? I saw you forcing a fish to go down and pick up those rocks for you."

"What I learned from you. I see you can make this an easy matter for you too."

She painfully taunted the deity for breaking his words. Divine Yǔchén felt quite ashamed. He walked closer to her, put his hands behind his back, and looked down at her.

"I'm busy cultivating. It is something that I need to do in order to preserve the divine power."

"So, you should keep going. I'd like to take some of my personal time... Why can't I bring it up? I want it because it's a black stone like your scales. Well, I enjoy it." She said this while making a circle with her right wrist. Use the power of the Yin Yang Bracelet to help.

for two other fish that swam past to manage those rocks. However, it moved only slightly.

This still, clear water was turbulent and flowed deeper than she had imagined.

"You should be careful, Ābèi... Both Yin and Yang, you're not very good at cultivating..."

"Right... This is the angry face of Lord Yǔchén."

Divine Yǔchén looked worriedly at her fragile little hand. She had no idea the fire tiger on her lap had stopped its breath. fearing that might cause her spelling broken and cause danger.

Ābèi soon gave up her efforts. since she could not bring them out of the water. As a result, she practiced yin and yang spell by waving. forcing the fish group to form a shape out of those stones.

"Yes, these stones are in front of your house. It must be the image of his Lord's house. Why are they lined up in the shape of Lord Jí gòng's house?"

"This is your house... This... Lián lián smiled brightly."

"Did you lose your mind? Ābèi, stop having fun and get up now."

"I have nothing to do. I keep looking for fun things to do. I promised you that I would not go further than this area. You have Trinity secretly looking at me all the time What are you going to do with me?"

Finished speaking, she stopped chanting the black and white magic that was perfectly matched. She let Lián lián down from her lap then stood up, straighten her back. Put one hand behind her back.