13-1 恶魔的眼泪 Demon’s tears



Demon's tears

'There is only you in my heart...'

The Demon god man felt a deep sorrow by the woman's sweet confession.

When contemplating the painful truth, he's unable to respond to her feelings. Even if it were divine love, it still difficult because the lustful fire that engulfed this breast was difficult to pacify.

The devil's heart desires to possess her to the point of unconscious jealousy. But the divine mind seeks a way out of this sweet consciousness.

What to do when fleeing isn't an option. It was impossible to accept all these feelings...

His dark face shook wide open at the intricately carved wooden window. Greenery flourishes in the house of the father of the Dragon God. The towering pine trees, fresh green leaves Colorful flowers are blooming; not fall on the wet grass. A woman dressed in pitch black lies peacefully under the soft dawn with her favorite Fire beast.

"You're telling the truth, Ābèi. you haven't lied to me...'

This feeling was known only him. while closing his eyes and looking through the Trinity. saw her lying down Get up and walk around, looking for fun and naughty things to do. But no matter what she does, she always lifts her head to look for Lord Yǔchén. mouth muttering,

'When will he have free time to meet me?' 'Why won't he come to see me?'

"You're so funny, Ābèi."

"Lord Yǔchén... I brought you Hào Rán's clothes. I hope you don't mind. There is no one in this realm who is dressed in black like your residence."

Lord Yǔchén's reverie was interrupted by minor deities in the Dragon Father's residence when he put a stack of cloths on the mother-of-pearl table in the center of the room.

The Demon god's eyes open and look at the newcomer. They always wore pure white robes. It never changes into bright colors, no matter how long it takes.

"I don't mind dressing up as a villager or wearing any other costume; I can wear it. You arranged it on that desk. Thank you very much."

"Lord Hào Rán has urgently gone to the celestial deity. He must send the report to the King of Heaven. Let the guests make themselves at home. Your father's house is like your own house."

"arr... that's right. Father just brought those trees back to life. he might tell tell this in the celestial realms as well"

The clash between deities and demons raged throughout that realm as well. When the deities were constantly disturbed by demons, it wasn't just Lord Yǔchén.

Casting spells among deities is strong. even just to protect themselves from danger. It turned into a quarrel until it collapsed.

Although this time it was about the relationship between men and women. There has never been one before. He thought that as long as the matter did not reach the ears of the heavens, there was probably no problem.

"Since you have no intention of destroying anything, there wouldn't be anyone who wants to make a complaint against Lord Yǔchén. Who's going to calm down the war between deities and demons, if this heaven has no deity like you. We may experience more difficulties than now."

"I need to find a way to lighten up. Demonic beasts would not bother the deities too much. let each other stay in their respective places."

"Recently, demons rarely come to harass the cultivating deities. Lord Hào Rán's house was not often visited by anyone. We knew as well that it was actually the handiwork of Lord Yǔchén..."

Another deity also praised him. as a divine man who helped the little fire tiger demon despite his dislike of demons and beasts. Deity Yǔchén was praised for his mercy. When he refused to accept it and said that it was the work of Ābèi It's possible that she was being targeted. Deity Yǔchén didn't say much. Most of the time, she nodded in acknowledgment. while conversing with the lower-ranking deities, thought of her and took a moment to ask

"Ābèi... Where is she? Was she properly dressed and sleeping? I am not well versed in women's accessories. not very proficient in finding items in the subterranean world. Normally, I'll leave it to someone else's business."

"She doesn't care about the clothes of the women in the house. But I think since last night, no one has found her."

Deity Yǔchén abruptly closed his eyes and gazed through the darkness at the end of his speech...

Nothing's seen in her dark world!

The immense darkness suddenly made his mind gloomy and frightened. The cloud of black smoke rushed out of the room's window. Leaving the Divine Man behind him with a puzzled expression because Lord Yǔchén suddenly vanished while still talking.

An impatient body snake flew around the residence in search of his own treasure. before meeting a woman in beautiful clothes sitting against a large tree at the back of the house,

It almost became a big problem. How fortunate he didn't use his fire eyes to burn his father's house!

'You are such a problem. likes to make others worry constantly'

Yǔchén did not rage because of her. He's just worried. When he transformed into a divine man, he squatted down. breathe a sigh of relief. He could hear the steady breathing of the woman in front of him. saw that she was fine, eating well and sleeping well, even in the celestial world, which always keeps her divinity alive.

The previous panic had disappeared.

Her beautiful face while sleeping is so sweet and adorable, unlike when she was constantly chattering. She closed her eyes tightly in a relaxed and comfortable manner. One hand is placed face up in her lap. on the other hand, holding a bouquet of plum blossoms.

Perhaps she was being naughty. jumping to collect flowers to practice coordinating martial arts.

A thick hand moved over the strands of raven hair that covered her smooth cheeks and placed them on her round shoulders. Then she'd be duped, brushing her hands back and forth as if swatting flies.

The small wrist was grabbed by the Deity Yǔchén. He cast Yin magic to float around her robes with the other hand. Under the raindrops that fell little by little like rain, the black magic was now like a beacon, warming her cold cheeks.

Her flushed cheeks slowly turned white as her body warmed up.

'What father said might not be true... or just me... I don't want to lose you...'

"Lord Yǔchén?"