13-2 恶魔的眼泪 Demon’s tears

"Lord Yǔchén?"

Ābèi gazed at him when he hurriedly let go of her hand. She's the one who's embarrassed.

"I... er... fell asleep or... I feel... a little tired."

"You probably traveled across realms with me. Even if I use my powers. "

"I had a bad dream... I dreamed that I was disappearing... My celestial body dissolves in the air."

Her words caused Deity Yǔchén's eyes to widen. He displayed symptoms by laughing with a hoarse voice; he doesn't look sincere at all.

"You... must have eaten and slept too much."

Ābèi smiled. "I won't regret if my last life might be extinguished. We humans all have to die. I'm just afraid that I might not see you again. I might not be born in the celestial world in my next life. I'm so afraid that you'll regret it because of me. I'm afraid... all sorts of things... if I have to leave you behind. Alone..."

"You are very lucky, and with so much kindness, I believe that you will...." At the end of the voice, there was a sudden silence...

The hardened heart suddenly throbbed. A panicked-looking deity watched two soft hands slowly turn into ashes. blown up into the wide sky. Even the robes seemed to have been scorched by flames, black dust floating in the air.

Without saying goodbye. The woman in front of him had become just a memory.

When the sky is gloomy. The soft light shone into the room just a little until a lamp had to be lit. Even though one night has passed, Ābèi has not had any mental or physical sleep. She asked for a textbook from a deity in the Dragon Father's house and sat down to read it on a red wooden chair in the middle of the room. Get up and make a white robe embroidered with exquisite spells in front of a large mirror. Gather her raven hair on half of her head. embroidered with the pearl of the Northern Mountain Sea before walking and acting without any substance.

How could she go to sleep? A huge snake in her bed! Half body lying across her mattress, he put his head on her pillow, snatching away her blanket.

She furrowed her brows and watched the snake slither around. doesn't know what to do to awaken the deities. He's not going to wake up, no matter how hard she tries. So she laid down on his side. when he was still on her bed.

"You look unhappy, Lord Yǔchén. Why are you so distraught? Do you have a dream too? I think you must have a nightmare."

Beneath the beautiful onyx scales Ābèi stacked both hands on the pillow. Face down to look at the serpent. she closed her eyes tightly. muttering all sorts of stories Until he could see his blood-colored eyes wide open.

The viper's body suddenly frightened and looked at the woman in front of him. After passing through the gloomy night very painful heartache. Fearful eyes filled with clear water. looked noticeably gloomy.

"I can't even close my eyes to sleep. see my Lord still wandering around in the same place. Crawling under my blanket, you... remind me of the green snake at the back of my cabin."

"Snake... at your hut?"

"Yes, Lord. and it's not just snakes..."

When the Demon god man returned his consciousness to her conversation, she started talking about beasts, which always irritated her. In the hut at the foot of Tiān Long Temple, next to a fertile forest, she had to keep chasing them. killed many of them, especially snakes. She used their corpses to cook delicious food. She ate her stuff alone, because the strict ascetic monks did not even kill animals or let anyone do it, so they did not eat them either.

She had come to take up residence in the world of deities, but she never expected that on her bed there would be a sleepy snake. smuggled to sleep at the end of the bed, hide under the blanket, and keep watch over her for fear that she would run away.

"...You haven't answered my question about your dreams and visions. In fact, you never answered anything. Moreover, you also like to accuse me of using insidious words. Even though you yourself are very bad."

"I have dreams like humans from time to time. My spells are so strong that I can create another world. Those worlds are not real. The devil's vision is an illusion, but I can force you to dream of me. I can do whatever I want."

He explained the story. Clear eye contact with variety of emotions while her cheeks suddenly flushed red in her embarrassed expression.

Deity Yǔchén looked relaxed. But the sad look in his eyes said that there was something in his heart.

Attentive, Ābèi reached for a warm quilt to cover the snake's body. crouching down on the black body with hot cheeks under the same cloth

"You forced my mind a lot. It's time for me to force you to do what I want..."

"What will you say if I don't agree with your decision?"

"I will no longer obey you. So you better follow my heart, My Lord. Tonight, I wish only to snuggle under your beautiful scales. Soothe your grief; you will be fine; I will be fine. If you are afraid of gossip, may you be in the form of a snake; I still hold on to my great affection for you. I beg you this time, both your divine and demonic sides... Don't reject me."

in a wayward voice word of love. A serpent's teardrop immediately fell down her flushed cheeks. And to the embarrassment of Lord Yǔchén who had never shown weakness to anyone, he moves his body over her shoulder, bow his head close to her soft fragrant hair to embrace. acting toward her in a gentle manner, contrary to his words.

"You... What a shameless woman. Know how to use tricks to deceive even the demon..."