
Mature content ahead

Elsa felt really sad about daisy condition.Being childless is another problem in people marriage. daisy wiped her tears with the back of her palm.

"Aunt daisy please don't get sad !" elsa tried to coax her.

" fine will you like to come with me ?" Daisy asked for the second time .

"OK I'll come."

" yaaaaay" daisy screamed like a child which startled elsa a bit.

"She loves children a lot." daisy pulled her into a hug which made elsa smile widely.

Days passed by in just a blink of an eye and It was time for elsa to get discharged .After signing the discharge papers daisy held elsa hand tightly, elsa felt warmth erupt through her body, this was the first time after her parents death that she felt the motherly love her mom used to shower on her.

she placed elsa at the back of the car and drove off.

At home she prepared a delicious meal for elsa and also cleaned her up. She had already stocked the wardrobe with enough clothes for elsa .

Elsa felt soo happy and thankful for a savior sent above from heaven has come to her rescue, the affection was too much for her but she feared what if the woman would turn out to be likeJennifer but she was proved wrong when one hot afternoon daisy asked " how will you like to further your education?" elsa was dumbfounded she couldn't come to believe what her ears just heard it was good to be true. she jumped on top of daisy to hug her, they both fell on the bed.daisy tickled elsa that they both were wriggling on the bed and laughing out loudly .

Raphael slightly opened the door to be welcome by the sight of his beautiful wife laughing out loud with the girl, she has lately bonded with the stranger girl and laughed a lot unlike before that she was always sad. now she has completely drained all the sorrow away from his wife .he smiled then closed the door, they didn't even notice his present in the room .

Meanwhile elsa continued laughing while daisy tickled her at her weak point .

" please sto hahaha stop it," ella begged still trying to escape from daisy strong grip.

Daisy stopped tickling her and sat comfortably on the bed facing elsa " now tell me will you like to?"

" yes i will love too thank you aunt daisy." elsa cut in giving a quick peck on daisy cheeks .

After leaving elsa room, daisy head to her room to see her husband working on his laptop.

"Honey when did you arrive ? and don't you get tired of this your usual routine? " she questioned in a bored tone while taking the laptop away from him and shutting it down. he tried to protest but daisy shut him down with her finger .

" you don't have time for your husband." he pouted his lips.daisy climbed on top him as she tugged his shirt to get him closer to her .

" don't try to get romantic now. " he pushed her off him and tried to reach for his laptop. daisy grabbed it and sat on top of the laptop .

" forgive me dear lolipop you know i love you soo much! " she blink her eyes several times

" damn! you know I can't resist that face." he hovered over her as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, she put her hand over his neck to drag him closer to her.

" babe you look sooo beautiful i feel like eating you up!" he said sensually as he sucked on her nape, daisy turn him over to get herself on top him .

" I want to take control tonight," she winked at him while his hand caressed her butt lightly before squeezing it harshly that made her moan out loud . she unbuttoned his shirt kissing him in every corner of his face down to his chest and sucked his nipples,he groans in pleasure as he tried to unzip her dress but it wasn't coming off her then he decided to tear it .

" no this is my favorite dress! " daisy stopped him from tearing the gown up .

She unzipped it herself and he unbuckled his pants now they where both on their underwear. he climbed on top of her again this time trying to dominate the kiss he sucked on her lower lip and bit it which made daisy moan out loud he sucked on her tongue as both continued kissing passionately.he unhooked her bra to see her firm bouncy boobs come to view,he loved this two twin peaks .