period **

warning : mature content read at your own risk

His hands quickly pressed the both of her boobs with the same pressure before his moist tongue came out and began to suck on it like a starved baby .daisy could already feel his hard member poking her from beneath .

" hum mm l " she pressed his head down as he sucked on her right nipple and used his other hand to rub the left .

This erotic scene got him dripping already, he showered the other breast with the same attention as the first ,her moans got him even more horny he slowly left the breast and slowly dive down showering light kisses on her belly button before going up again to kiss her.daisy tried to battle him in the French kiss but he fiercly sucked on her tongue. his hand began to roam around her body he pressed her left breast again , he already figured out that was his wife best spot, he aggressively pinched her peaks which made her shudder lightly. His teeth still kneading on her parted lips. He reached her butt, where he rubbed it slightly then spank it which got  that spot pinkish .

Daisy was still enjoying her husband pleasuring her when she felt an intense pain struck her . she need no one to tell her that her visitor has arrived at a very wrong time she pushed her husband away and ran into the bathroom .

Raphael was about to follow her when he noticed a stain on the blanket then he realized what happened.

"shit why at this moment?" he cursed angrily he looked down to see his member standing proudly .

"i have to take care of this " before leaving for the bathroom in the other guest room he knocked at the bathroom daisy was in

" babe are you alright? Do you need anything? " he asked

" No you can go away get back to your work " she replied out loud

"You came to me first remember and after making me this horny you tell me to continue my work ....heartless" he stormed out of the room .

After calming down his member , it wasn't that easy his member was a stubborn guy. he must enter inside that his juicy wife before having rest .he entered the room but Daisy was still not back from the bathroom.

"Women!!" he sighed as he changed the stained blanket replacing it with a fresh one .

Daisy still in the bathroom taking her daily routine while bathing, after moisturizing her face which was the last thing on her list. she came out of the bathroom and quietly head to the closet to pick a nice transparent night gown.she dried her hair with a hand dryer then packed it up in a fluffy ponytail after wearing the night gown she slowly creep to the bed .

"Honey,are you awake??" She shaked him roughly but no answer, she was definitely sure that Raphael was pretending ,he is probably angry for leaving him hanging. she remembered how his face fell when she pushed him away ,she wished she snapped that face to use and tease him. daisy loves playing this her husband games.

"His sleeping this is my chance, " she whispered picking up her phone she pretended to dial a number.

"Hello baby I've been missing you all day "

"Yes he came back early," Raphael blood was boiling hearing his wife talk sweetly with someone over the phone, he turned around and grabbed the phone only to  realize that she was talking to one in particular.

" hahaha" she rolled on the bed laughing and mocking him, she stucked her tongue out. Raphael gritted his teeth in anger .

"Why did I fall for this again " he pressed his eyes tightly but daisy jumped on him with a big hug" I missed you honey! " she relaxed on his chest , Raphael could smell the fresh delicious lavender wash on her hair.he sniffed it before saying" I hate you!!" he smirked but she couldn't see his face. daisy looked at him in an angry way, she hit him hard on his chest then picked a pillow placing it in the middle to divide their space. she turned to sleep on her space carrying the whole blanket to her side. Raphael laughed at his wife cute gesture , he moved closer to her, placing his hand on her waist from behind to make sure she felt his already hard member.

"You see what you do to me! " he whispered in her ear then bit it with his teeth,daisy moaned but shut her mouth immediately .

"Leave me alone!!" she turned around facing him she pushed him away but he still came back this time gripping her tightly

" you see this heart," he carried her hand placing it on his chest where his heart was beating steadily.

I hope you are enjoying this story I'm a new writer and I hope you vote for my story. Thanks❤ .