The Erotic Artist part 2

Hugo and I sat down on a red carpet floor, crossed legs. We began our discussion about what happened this morning.

"I see, so you boys are telling me that some sort of an artist is going around scattering erotic depictions of every female student on the school campus this morning, correct?"

"Yes, that's an only hunch; we don't know if an unknown art draws it, its and the looks of it, like a photograph with colours," I said,

"Huh, do you both have any evidence to tell me this? Where the photo are you two talking about?"

"And what about you there, young lady? Do you got anything to add?"


Alicia said as she pointed out someone behind; we then turned our heads to see a girl who seemed to be a student. it was Lena (how in the world did she get in here?) I thought as sees Lena, Who was behind, snooping around the bookshelves.

"Hold up. How did you go here?"

"S-Sorry, it got curious that you two always come to this abounded place."

"…ugh, I see."

I Then quickly accepted the situation and let Alicia take over the discussion. She asked Lena again if she had an art piece of herself, and she grabbed an art piece from her pocket and slowly consciously approached Alicia while looking at Hugo and me.

Once Alicia Received the art piece, she began to look at it to confirm it as she touched the 4x6 size photograph. "It seems that your theory is right," Alicia said, ensuring that the photo was an artwork made by an anonymous artist.

"So, what's our next move?"

"Where do you think an artist would be at?"

"in the art room?"

Exactly I said, as my legs stood up from the carpet and stretched my arms up, the time is 4 in the afternoon, it is a great time to explore the school without being seen as suspicious, 'time to go," Hugo stood up as well, and we proceed to leave the room, but then Alicia who was in an armchair couch is now in front of them,

"I'll join you two."

"Why, aren't you supposed to look after that document you're talking about?"

I point at the glass panel where an old book relies on it; Alicia has guarded it since meeting her here. Some mysteries about her and that documented old book still linger, but I'll remind her again.

"Oh, you mean that? not a problem, you lady there."

"Y-Yes, what is it, Miss Alicia?"

"Just call me Alicia, anyways may ask what's your name?''

"It's Lena Serian; you can just call me Lena."

"Hmm, I'll remember it, Lena, so would you mind doing me a favour?"


After leaving the clock tower, we began our journey to the art room; meanwhile, Lena was a task with holding on to the old document that Alicia asked her to do. As we walked through the hallway, we finally came to the room.

Alicia tried to turn the doorknob, but it would not open "it's locked", she mumbled, I stepped in beside her with a key in my right hand and inserted it inside the keyhole, turning it to the left, and it locked open.

"Huh, I didn't know that you have a key?"

"It's a long story; the club president just gave me permission."

"I see, now that some convenient way,"

The door slowly opened, and we entered the room; it was clean inside. Every piece of art was stacked tightly in a box, and plenty of blank canvas was gathered in one corner, in the corner of the room.

The four of us look around for clues about their erotic artworks. in one particular, Alicia spots a desk with many scattered papers, "Hey, you three, and I think I found something." The others come to Alicia to see what has she found.

The three of us came to Gowda Alicia to see what was it that she was telling us; once we got there, Alicia showed us a pile of 4x6 size paper that was similar to that art piece that had been scattered outside in the morning,

"Your rights they do are similar, so why do you think this is the exact paper that the artist used?"

"do you see that, besides the pile of paper?"

Alicia points out a bag kit and a flat shape brush and palette with paint colours; the only difference is that the paintbrush is not dried. The fact that it has been painted suggests that it has been used for a while.

We closely check the bag to expect to see who's name engrave on it; we turn the bag on all sides to see if we would see any name tag or a title of a person written on it,

"Weird. It has no name written."

"It seems that this clue leads us nowhere."

"I have an idea. How about we check all the members of the art club? Then we will see who the culprit is."

Hugo suggests that we all four nod at an agreement; it concludes today our investigation. We all decided to leave the art room for today and went our separate ways.


The next day in the afternoon, I asked one of the club presidents to have a meeting, and they agreed; all the members began painting with my canvas, including me, while Lena sat on the sideline while holding Alicia on her lap like the doll in disguise.

Due to Hugo's soccer practice, he was unable to join us today. In the art room, the members were working on their canvas with their tools, and Alicia was sitting on Lena's lap, watching each person closely as they painted.

I was too focused on the task that the club president gave; the subject we were about to paint was a dummy that the president borrowed from the drama club.

4:50 pm

Angelo was taking a bathroom break while the other club members packed up. Alicia tugged at her sleeves as the other club members left the room, pointing toward a male member. We looked at each other and nodded at each other; we stood up from our seats and approached him,

"Hey ah, do you mind? Have a quick chat?"

"Huh… sure, why not,"