The train counties to speed up as the four youngsters idle while they watch from the window; as they each pass mountains, fields, and small local towns established along the way, an attendant approaches the four.
"Sir and madam, would like to have a snack?" she said as the four turned to see this attendant with a cart and offering a snack, "I'll like to have three, please,"
Lena said as she paid the woman and gave Lena three pieces of biscuits; as the attendant left, Lula then stared at the biscuits in her hand, breaking them apart.
While breaking it into two pieces, dark chocolate filling oozes out from the biscuits inside. Lena throws half into her mouth.
She begins to chew on soft biscuits that have the filling of dark chocolate, and she swallows it,
"very taste, hey Ange want to taste this biscuit, it's pretty good?" Lena asked; Angelo turned his head in response.
"Sure, why not? I mean, that looks kind of HMMM!!?"