It was the breezing night of November, and After that weird dare which Lena had to do, we sat down on the floor and counties to play the game; we played for an hour until one of the girls started asking me the truth or dare question.
"Truth then," I said. Without hesitation, I; it was fun to experience this with such warm people that I didn't have back home.
"Alright, what do you think of Hugo since you two seem closed."
"Eh… Why that question?"
As the progress of the game, lighthearted questions and commands make their way to personals. In the room, every girl kept repeating or asking the same question, so I had no choice but to answer them honestly.
"Urk... I guess his kind of alright, he plays sport and do well academically than me, he has that hyper personality, although he's a pervert!"