First awake

The two stopped at their tacks as they stared daggers at each other. The atmosphere grew intense as everyone watched in worry and judgment on their expression.

When the clock at the end hallway makes a sound when it hits six o'clock, the two sprint and dash at each other with the intent of taking down their opponent.

Before the duel started, it was 4 Am; Hugo yawns as he is about to see the sunrise from the window as they both stay in an unused room after getting out of the jail cell and meeting Daniela a while ago, "Oh right, I forgot, were still at the mansion."

 Hugo said as he stood up from his feet and slowly stretched his arm up, "So you finally awake," Hugo turned to find Daniela in her human form, sitting at an armed chair, with her leg crossed as if she was there waiting for Hugo to wake up from any moment in time.