Chapter 31 - A New Nightmare

I didn't know where I was. I ran for so long. It was a nasty feeling to be chased like that. I just wanted him to go away.

"What is that, a cemetery?" I entered a public cemetery and ran between the graves. I kept looking back and couldn't see anyone. But even though I couldn't see anyone, I knew he was there.

It was a big cemetery. I was probably in the middle of it by now. I could see green trees swaying in the strong wind. It was night, maybe 1 a.m.? I had lost my cell phone, so I had no way of knowing.

All I knew was that it was cold, freezing.

I stopped running after approaching a wall at the end of the cemetery. I looked around while breathing hard because I was so tired. Fortunately, I could no longer see that giant man chasing me.

What had he said? Someone had ordered my death or something... I can't think of a person who wants me dead.