Chapter 32 - Outdated and old system.

In a room of an incredible 100 square meters with a large wooden table in the centre, the head of the association, Ellis Waverly, had finally been able to meet with the leaders of the major guilds of New York.

He was sitting on the left, and all the leaders, 4 in total, were sitting on the right.

From right to left were Drake Nic, Oli Kelvin, Mort Kurtis, and the only woman named Zowie.

Drake Nic is a muscular man with fire-like red hair, brown skin and a serious look in his eyes most of the time. His eyes were different colours, one being blue and the other black.

If someone looked at him from afar, they would think he was some tiger because of his fangs and large nails. He was the leader of the Rank-S guild called "RidSig", which nobody knew the name meaning of until now.