Chapter 35 - First battle in the real world.

After he killed the first monster, several began to appear. The number of monsters was increasing by the second. The man then ran and hid behind a car, waiting for reinforcements.

He picked up his cell phone and saw that he had received messages from his guildmates, saying they were already close.

And then the car he was using to hide was hit. A thorn created by an unknown material went through the car, almost hitting him directly. The man put away his cell phone and got up, running away.

When he came out of hiding, he looked back and saw one of the monsters preparing for its attack. But he was faster than the monster. With one swing of his katana, a blade cut through the air and struck the monster, killing it instantly.

But he had no time to rest. Some monsters that were attracted by his magic flew towards him. The man took a deep breath and concentrated.