Chapter 36 - He is an interesting boy.

The demon stopped moving, and Lukas kicked the ground and ran toward it. Lukas leapt and his dagger aimed for the monster's neck. The attack hit it directly.

A black liquid came out of the demon's neck, and the demon fell to the ground, already lifeless. A black flame appeared over its body.

But without time to consume his soul, Lukas was surprised by another demon that fell very close to him. The demon slowly started to get up, but Lukas didn't let the demon become a problem.

With his above-average physical abilities, he came close to the demon and pierced its head, killing it instantly.

Lukas took a few steps away and looked up. He could see two demons coming out at once. Soon after that, two more appeared, then three more. One after another, the demons kept appearing in the opening.

"The portal is increasing in size?" Lukas looked up at the sky in astonishment. He watched many giant demons falling down the street and on top of some buildings around.