Chapter 37 - Promise Me.

[ You have reached the limit of souls that you can store in the second level ]

"Is it serious?" Lukas opened the system and looked at the souls bar. There were still many demons, but he had already reached the bar limit. This was a great time to upgrade the soul bar.

[ You bought "Increase limit to 4.000 points" ]

[ 2.000 points were deducted from your bar ]

[ Souls left - 0 ]

"Yeah, that's great." Lukas smiled and waited for his soul bar to upgrade to continue picking up the souls. By this time, the portal had closed.

In the distance, the hunters responsible for killing the demons talked among themselves. They were simple people who looked weak, except for the blonde girl in a funny outfit.

'She's probably one of the strongest hunters I've ever seen. Either on TV or in person.' That's what Lukas thought.

[ Bar update in progress ]

[ Change applied ]