Chapter seven

Serena stood by the window watching the stars, a million thoughts were running in her head. Up until that moment, she had walked only on one road. One that was decided by her enemies.

This time around, she was the one deciding the steps to the life that she wants. To fulfill her goal, a lot of planning had to be done, she was confident that she could do it all. Destroy her enemies and get the love she yearned for.

Everything felt like a dream, waking up from a bad nightmare to make her reality a daydream she could walk in every day.

It was a task that the second chance at life had granted her. And she was more than happy to take her shot.

Her mind raced with all the troubling thoughts but she was still able to hear the footsteps that approached her. She kept listening to the sounds. Her eyes looked out to the sky.

All her life she had been chasing a star when she deserved the whole sky. She denied herself a lot of happiness by trying so hard to make other people happy.

"Sese, baby."

Serena closed her eyes, she twirled her body around. Coming face to face with her ex-husband, she let out a soft smile.

"Stop calling me that," Serena said without blinking. She had heard him call her that for so long, that her ears were starting to hurt.

"My love, we can talk about whatever is bothering you.."

"You are bothering me," Serena asserted in an icy cold voice. "If you care then leave me alone," she added and went to walk away.

Alexander was enraged. He had come to talk to her to find out why she was suddenly ending things with him. And instead of appreciating the attention, he was giving her, he found her being ruder than ever.

It annoyed him to see her attitude towards him. He raced and grabbed her hand and forcefully pinned her to the wall.

"Ah," Serena screeched on hitting the wall. She glared at the man holding her. The scene that came to mind was the man killing her, and how happy he was to get rid of her.

"Serena, I want to..."

"If I cared about what you wanted, I would have asked about it," Serena claimed.

Alexander tightened his hold around her hands. Serena met his gaze without flinching, 'You are going to regret this,' she thought as she calmly let Alex do as he pleased.

"I won't let you go until you listen to me," Alexander informed her.

Serena rolled her eyes. She had heard enough from him in her past life, the second chance she got came with a choice to shut off negative influence and energy.

"Are you sure it is wise to hurt me in my house?" She asked him. "Nothing you say will make a difference to me anyway so do us both a favor and stop wasting my time," she added.

She could see a vein in his forehead about to pop, he was angry. Serena smirked internally, she had only said a few remarks to him and already he had lost his cool. She wondered how he will react when she finally starts dealing with him for all the crimes he had committed against her.

"How could you change so much overnight?" Alexander inquired confused by her attitude. "If you are confused or..."

"I was confused but now I see things as they are. Let me go before I scream for help," Serena stated. "I don't know what I might say you were doing to me when people get here," she threatened.

Alexander brought his hand to her neck. He trailed his finger on her skin and pulled her closer to him. And kissed her.

Serena pushed him away, she wiped her lips with the back of her hand and glanced up at him. "I don't know who taught you to kiss but you need to find them and get your money back," she uttered.

Alexander was stunned. It was the first time that Serena treated him so badly. He thought the kiss would remind her of their love and get her to calm down yet it didn't work.

The girl went ahead to call him out on being a bad kisser. It was the biggest shock of the day. He had gotten dressed to be presented as the prince of the party, he had awaited this day for a long time, and now that it had arrived Serena had changed.

All their plans being thrown out the window because of the spoilt brat had a change of heart. It was unnerving, the new side of Serena that he was seeing.

It was as though the girl was not the same person he met yesterday. Her eyes were cold and her words were harsh, each without a hint of love and care in them. It made him miss her clingy nature.

He reached his hand into his pocket and held the ring. It was his last chance to turn things around. He was supposed to propose before the cake cutting ceremony but now was as good a chance as any.


"In case you didn't hear me earlier, we are over. I don't want to hear anything you have to say," she let out.

Her feet moved away from the man and back to the party. She couldn't shake the feeling of eyes watching her every move. Her emotions were all over the place. Having to deal with Alexander and keeping up a brave front was taking a toll on her.

Being near him was tearing him apart. She had once dreamt of living the rest of her life with him and instead of growing old together, the man killed her and buried her in a deserted place.

It was a part of her that was impossible to forget. Serena took deep breaths to steady her heart. There was yet a grand show she had in store for her guests.

Her engagement with Damian would wound three birds with one stone. Marga and Alexander's plan of fooling her and getting her trapped in their schemes would be cut short. Her stepsister would also learn what it means to cross her.

Serena couldn't wait. Her eyes searched the party for her mother and Damian. The two were the most important people at the party.

"Serena," Alex called out to her. He rushed over to her with Marga by his side. Unlike the anger she witnessed in his eyes a moment ago, his eyes were kind and adoring.

Serena could count the millions of times that she had fallen for those eyes. The lies they told and the secrets they held. She was stupid and they took advantage of that to ruin her snf benefit from her inheritance.

She could recall, on this very day. Alexander had proposed to her, she thought that she was the luckiest girl in the world to be loved by him. But it wasn't so, she was the most unfortunate being to be fooled into a fake love.

"Bestie, Alex has something important to ask you," Marga told cheerfully. "You will forget all your anger and finally have a reason to be happy on this special day," she claimed confidently.

'I know what he wants to say. I'm not interested in hearing him say it, not this time,' she thought.

"After all, only I know how to make you happy," Alexander added to Marga's statements.

"Serena dear, come with me" Ivy interrupted them. She arrived at the scene and took Serena away without saying a word to Marga or Alex.

Serena was thankful to her mother for arriving at that moment. She needed saving, the two were relentless in their goals and weren't taking a no for an answer.

The person she was determined to get was someone that would give her something that Alex never could.
