Chapter 19: The Revelation (2)

"You've said all you had but hear me out. By this time tomorrow if I don't return the pain double the amount you've served it to my mother, then I will change my name," she challenged her father.

Her threat echoed in the room. It didn't matter what her mother had done wrong to her. No one had the right to treat her the way that her father did. The disrespect that he showed her made her hate him to the core. That too for a bastard child.

"Aren't you crossing the line by threatening dad?" Sofia asked feeling proud to call Marcel her father.

"The line has yet to be crossed. You will see when I show where a bastard belongs," she fired at the girl. Her eyes are cold a ist glaring daggers at Sofia as though intending to incinerate her.

Her heart was burning with rage, the girl had crossed all the limits, and there was no going back from what she did.

"How dare you!" Sofia screamed at her.

Serena stared at her with disinterest and turned her attention to her father. Her eyes were full of venom and her lips curled up into a smirk.

"You said that my mother has no right to make decisions in this house right?" She questioned him.

There was something about her smile that made Marcel shiver. The look in Serena's eyes was one that he had never seen before. He had known her as a careless child who was too caught up in her world to notice anything or care too much about it.

The new Serena before him was surprisingly cold and ferocious in her threats that he wasn't sure whether to take her lightly or not.

"I will ensure you give her the rights by the end of the day tomorrow, consider this my birthday gift to her," she spoke in a cold icy tone that reduced the temperature in the room.

Marcel swallowed the lump in his throat. Serena pulled Ivy away from the room not letting the two put in another word. She didn't lead her mother upstairs but outside the door, grabbing the car keys on her way out.

She picked up the car that she received as a gift from a distant relative. A Ferrari 2048 she got from a distant uncle of hers.

"Do you k..know how to drive?" Her mother asked still emotional.

Serena helped her to the back seat and closed the door behind herlearnedhad learnt to drive in her past life, she knew her way around a car.

She got into the driver's seat and buckled her seat belt before driving out of the compound. She never thought that a day would come when she would drive out of her house in the middle of the night because of the scene that took place in her house.

Looking through the review mirror, she checked on her mother. The woman was a mess, Ivy was crying so much holding her face in between her hands. Serena's heart ached with rage.

She felt like burning Sofia to ashes. Before it was only her the girl was after and it was fine but going after her mother was a different story that she wasn't going to tolerate.

Serena took out her phone and dialed Damian's number. The phone had not rang for more than a second when it was received.

"Hello, dear. Missed me so soon," Damian flirted.

"Where are you? I could use help with a place to stay for me and my mother," she uttered ignoring the butterflies in her stomach at the sound of his deep and rich hoarse voice.

"What!" Damian responded stunned. It was 2 am in the morning. He was surprised by the reason for her call. Nonetheless, his shock lasted only but for a moment. "Come to my house, I'll make arrangements for your stay," he added.

"Will do," Serena responded and cut the call. She had thought of taking her mother to a hotel but it didn't feel right and their other estates were far away to drive to at that moment.

She quickly input Damian's address on her GPS and drove off in the direction of his house. Part of her felt relieved that he was okay with offering his house to them. Another part of her was nervous at the thought of having to join him in his house.

The adventures that it would mean for the two of them to be under the same roof. How quickly their relationship could develop and how badly she wanted that.

She couldn't wait to get there, she had a plan to give her father a befitting reply for what he did to her mother. And for the night, she needed rest.

"I'm sorry," she heard her mother's hushed apology. is Her voice barely audible from all the crying that she was doing.

"Along accepted," Serena uttered happily. If she could get a second chance to do things right, she wasn't going to deny that to her mother. She wasn't one to hold past mistakes against anyone who regretted their deeds.

Goodness knows she had made many terrible choices in her life. Trusted the wrong people and found out their truth too late. For a moment she had thought that her father was different from Alex but he proved her wrong.

"I love you motthan more that you can ever know," she confessed.

Ivy looked up and met her gaze through the mirror. Her eyes welled up as her lips curled up into a smile. The tears of pain in her eyes were replaced with tears of happiness.

"From now on, I won't ever let you get hurt. I will shield you from all harm," she vowed to her mother.

Ivy's heart bloomed with joy. It was the first time she had ever heard such sincere confessions from her daughter. She wished they had been in better circumstances without all that had happened.

Still, she was filled with joy to hear her out. She had made mistakes but she raised a beautiful soul, that she knew for sure.

"I love you too," she admitted.