Chapter 38: Nuptial night

"I feel like am going to explode," Serena cried out to her husband when it was just the two of them in her mother's room. 

It was almost morning and she hadn't gotten any sleep at all. Her body was aching all over, her mind was in chaos and she was tired. 

She was in an emotional upheaval with all the drama, her life had turned into an opera with constant drama that was never-ending. She hated it. 

Her heart was beating so fast, moving with the changing clock that was constantly creating moments in her life she wasn't ready for. Revealing truths that tore at her. 

She broke down in front of Damian. Damian picked her up and held her in his arms. 

Serena wrapped her hands around him. She wished that she could just lock all her problems in a room and throw away the key. Forget they exist and move on with her life without the burdens they had on her.