Modern world: Arc 1.5

Neither knew who made the first move, they just kissed. Their tongues tangled in each other's mouths, and they both actually sighed in pleasure and comfort; the other's mouth was actually this sweet and fragrant.

Bai Lixin originally planned to use the system to do the job for him from the kissing step, but he didn't expect that kissing Luo Qintian would be so good that he was reluctant to let the system do it for him. While being kissed by Luo Qintian, he thought, "When we get to the last step, I will definitely let the system do it for me."

The two kissed from the corridor to the bedroom until they were both lying on the bed, and only then did Bai Lixin let the system continue instead of him with great reluctance.

While the system continued to act in his place, Bai Lixin, as the host, was able to observe it all from God's perspective. Looking down at Luo Qintian kissing "Lu Xuefei's" cheek, Bai Lixin's heart felt indescribably twisted.

But what happened next made Bai Lixin's jaw drop.

After Luo Qintian kissed Lu Xuefei for a short while, he suddenly let go of him and said, panting, "I'm going to the bathroom." After saying that, he stumbled into the bathroom, leaving behind Lu Xuefei, still unfulfilled.

Bai Lixin looked at all this, a bit dumbfounded.

What is this situation? Wasn't this a good thing just now? How come he just quit? Is this facial system not as tempting as him?

S419M's voice came into Bai Lixin's the right time: [Lord Host, the dimensional system is the most perfect! It is definitely more refined and experienced than the lord host's body!]

Bai Lixin gritted his teeth a little: [Then tell me, why did he stop when he did?]

S419M: [Reporting to the lord host, human thought circuits are too complex, I need time to sort them out and analyze them.]

Fortunately, S419M had no entity, otherwise he would have been glared at by Bai Lixin, [Since that is the case, let's switch us over.]

[As you wish, Lord Host. Ding! The soul switch will commence. Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully fused with the physical body.]

As soon as the fusion was finished, Bai Lixin felt his body was needy to the core. Taking two deep breaths, he too stumbled out to the guest bathroom. He took a cold shower in the meantime. He slowly returned an hour later, when he reckoned that Luo Qintian had left. But when he entered the bedroom, he found Luo Qiantian half leaning against the bed in his plain black pyjamas, smoking and waiting for him.

Bai Lixin was stunned and a little embarrassed, "You haven't left yet?"

"I stopped just now because, for a moment, I suddenly felt like…. you weren't you." Luo Qintian didn't answer Bai Lixin's question, but exhaled a puff of smoke and said in a deep voice, "I know that's a ridiculous reason, but that's how I felt just now. I'm really sorry."

Bai Lixin grinned and giggled on the surface, but his heart was shocked.

He hurriedly asked, [S419M, help me scan this person's mental power.]

[Ding! scan started. Ding! The scan is complete.Luo Qintian's physical attributes are B-level, and his soul attribute rank is A-level.]

A crack appeared on Bai Lixin's grinning and giggling face. Why was there an A-ranked soul in an F-ranked dimensional world? Surprisingly, even his spiritual power was higher, and he could still distinguish his soul from the dimensional system? My god, what kind of character has he provoked?

In the original world, Luo Qintian appeared as the great villain. After Wang Sisi and Xu Haoran had taken out Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun's lover, and Lu Xuefei, she became an internationally renowned star and had not yet officially opened up about her romance.

That's when Luo Qintian appeared, and, having liked men, he took a shot at Xu Haoran. Naturally, Wang Sisi could not tolerate it, but Luo Qintian's level was too high, not comparable to Lu Xuefei and others. Wang Sisi used all means and eventually went through a lot of trouble before she managed to dig up the inside story of Luo Group's past money laundering and sent Luo Qintian to jail for a few years. Only then was she able to keep her relationship with Xu Haoran official and went public.

So when he knew that the ad would allow him to make Luo Qintian's acquaintance, Bai Lixin didn't hesitate to go for it.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and to be fair, Luo Qintian hadn't done anything harmful. So if he could work on the mission and make Luo Qintian fall in love with him at the same time, then it would be a good thing. If Luo Qintian fell in love with him, he wouldn't mess with Xu Haoran, and he wouldn't have messed with the heroine, so all would be happy, right?

But he calculated so well that he forgot to count one thing: that there was something that he needed to do himself.

[But host, didn't you feel good when you kissed Luo Qiantan?]

[It was great, yes, but the thought of going all the way to the end made me….]

[You'll feel even better! I've read in books that sex is a hundred times more intense than kissing.]


Bai Lixin stood in the doorway and continued to laugh awkwardly. "It's okay, you must be having a misunderstanding."

Luo Qintian shrugged and patted the empty seat beside him, "Probably. Come on, come to bed; we have to sign the contract tomorrow. "

Bai Lixin was slightly stunned. Mr. Luo, you don't want to stay with me tonight, do you?

But he only stared for a moment before moving to the bed, because Luo Qiantan was staring at him with his characteristic pure black eyes, as if he was looking at a fish on a plate.

Climbing into bed, Bai Lixin grunted coldly, grabbed the blanket and covered his entire face with it. Seeing this, Luo Qintian gave a stifled laugh and lifted the corner of the quilt off Bai Lixin's head, revealing Bai Lixin's eyes and nose, "Be careful of suffocating to death in the middle of the night." With that, he extinguished his cigarette, switched off the bedside lamp, and also went under the covers.

He drew Bai Lixin into his arms and let him lean against his chest, listening to the sound of his own strong heartbeat.

There was silent darkness around them, and suddenly Luo Qintian said, "Xu Haoran is straight, and too dumb as a man."

After a moment, Bai Lixin said, in a muffled voice, "I know."

"If he can give you up the first time, there will be a second and a third."

"I know."

"I'm gay."

"I know."

"I want more than a one-night stand with you."


The next day, Bai Lixin woke up to find the person beside him long gone. Touching the sheets, they were cold, so it seemed he had left early.

After packing up his room, Bai Lixin arrived at the office early and saw that only three or five people were left in the originally lively office building. He didn't say anything more and walked straight into the office.

Not long after, Secretary Wang came to report the results of the past two days. While Bai Lixin was trying to calm down Luo Qintian, Secretary Wang didn't stay idle either. She tackled the three clothing advertising contracts. Except that the prices were lowered a bit, everything else remained the same.

After thinking about it, Bai Lixin said to Secretary Wang, "Go and have someone clean up the meeting room. I will be having a meeting there later."

At a quarter past nine, the general manager of Vision TV under Luo' Group arrived at Lu's Entertainment Company with his boss's revised contract and a lawyer, his face full of anxiety and impatience to see Lu Xuefei.

He had been called into the office by the Boss early this morning and had watched the two video commercials with his jaw hanging open throughout. A feeling that could only be described as a visual feast. But it was too short, and just as soon as he started watching it, it was gone, too exciting.

For China to produce such a polished 3D video…it was so exhilarating!

He was sure that if a 3D video with such visual effects could be made into a movie, it would be an international sensation!

Bai Lixin welcomed them into the conference room, and within a short while, the old contract was terminated and the new contract was re-signed. Before he left, the General Manager of the TV company shook Bai Lixin's hand and told him to finish the commercial as soon as possible. He couldn't wait.

For his part, Bai Lixin said that in order to compensate the Luo Group, he would produce two videos, one to be used as a commercial and the other on the underwater adventure, thus revealing a new era of 3D videos. This one would be a real 3D video to be shown on TV sets sold in stores all over, which would provide an immersive and extraordinary experience once the glasses were put on.

Having received Bai Lixin's promise, the General Manager of the TV company then happily pushed open the door of the conference room and left with a smile on his face.

On the other hand, Wang Sisi hung up the phone with an imperative smile. The General Manager of the television company of the Luo Group left with a smile, meaning that Lu Xuefei had already agreed to pay compensation.

But come to think of it, how could they be tempted to look for someone else after seeing her commercial showcase? After all, her conception was unparalleled and she now just needed to wait patiently for the olive branch to be extended by the Luo Group.

Xu Haoran pushed open the door, his footsteps heavy and, surprisingly, very dull. He hugged Wang Sisi from behind and said in a deep voice, "Sisi, the Luo Group should have already demanded the breach of contract damages. If forty million yuan is thrown, how is Xuefei going to get over it?"

A touch of hostility appeared in Wang Sisi's eyes as she took a deep breath and turned her head, saying worriedly "What should we do then? Or should I go back and help Mr. Lu finish the shoot? But he told me to roll in the first place. I'm afraid he won't accept it."

Xu Haoran shook his head as he listened and sighed longingly, "Yes, Lu Xuefei is paying for his own mistakes. I really don't know why he would terminate your contract."

He couldn't bear to see Wang Sisi be wronged. When Xue was just taking over the company, it was very difficult, but he should have no problem now that the company has long since stabilized.

"But Lu's Entertainment might still have a chance," Wang Sisi's eyes were twinkling. She blinked and suddenly said, "Hao Ran, do you still remember the day we met Mr. Lu at the Western restaurant? He seemed to have entered the private room of Mr. Luo Qintian of the Luo Group at that time, so the two of them must have had a personal relationship. Isn't that TV company owned by the Luo Group? Maybe with a word from Mr. Luo, Mr. Lu won't need to pay compensation. "

As soon as Wang Sisi said this, Xu Haoran recalled the scene when he stopped the two men in front of Lu's house that day. He waited outside again for a long time after that, and that night, Luo Qintian went in but never came out.

The thought that his best friend Lu Xuefei might have something with this Luo Qintian, he felt he was unable to cope with. He was as straight as could be, and the thought that one of his best friends might actually be gay made him feel awkward.

Even if it is true that there is no need to pay compensation, it must be because Lu Xuefei used the disgraceful method of selling his body.

"Forget it, let's not mention him." Xu Haoran shook his head, brushing off the unhappiness in his heart, "Don't you only want to do movies and don't like doing dramas and commercials? I've put off your dramas and commercials and picked up these two movies for you. See which one you like."

Wang Sisi took the two scripts and took a general look at them, both of which were well-made. She knew Xu Haoran's skills and connections, and as long as they were given to her, nothing was bad.

These two films were more or less the same, both by veteran directors. One was swt to enter the Academy Awards and the other will enter the Golden Globes.

After thinking about it, Wang Sisi picked up the script of the film that was going to enter the Academy Awards, "Let's do this one."

Xu Haoran nodded, "I also think this one is more suitable for you. Then, you can rehearse without worrying and leave the rest to me."

Wang Sisi smiled when she saw Xu Haoran, who was so considerate and attentive to her. What she was happiest about after coming back from rebirth was having Xu Haoran's company. Xu Haoran was the one who could truly accompany her until she grew old.

But the thought that there was someone else, and a man at that, a man with whom Haoran had a great relationship and who also liked him, made her angry to the point of no return.

Haoran himself may not notice, but every time he talks about Lu Xuefei, he looks so bright and has a smile in his eyes, as if Lu Xuefei is all he has. How can this be?

Haoran was hers, always hers! In her previous life, Zhou Yun had been snatched away by his old lover. In this life, she must strike first, so that Lu Xuefei will never be able to return, and he will never have Haoran again.

Wang Sisi buried herself in Xu Haoran's arms, hiding the fierce and violent look in her eyes.